Topic: Dimension and New Company

Dear All,

Please help me i am stuck in situation i also post a topic but still with no response i am afraid if frontaccouting can be failed it will be due to the fact that it dont have any good documentation.

my problem is that i have a company with different sale offices in city while creating different companies will create problem and in dimension i cannot creat it, i want to track the sale and purchase separtly while having all the banking information at one place. Also they should handle there customer on there own and nobody should able to see or deal ourstanding amount other POS.

Also if possible tell which right i should give to prevent one POS from selling from different stock for which he is not allowed to do.


Re: Dimension and New Company

You will have to look in the FA Wiki,  about how to do the various operations.

The POS definitions (and all other access areas) are defined per Access Group in Access Level Setup.

Also bear in mind and this project is Open Source and the resources are limited. We all try to contribute the best we can smile


Re: Dimension and New Company

Dear Joe,

Thank you very much for your response, it is true that FA is opensource and there is no official support and running with the help of each other.
Actually i have check all the forum and you know better than me that everywhere it is written that handling this situation you have to do this and handling that situation you have to do that but the basic configuration and initial steps are written no where,like for dimension i have seen many times that you have to configure 0, 1 or two level but how to configure that no one explained. I wish it would rather be more efficient if a person know this and with example he can explains this.

I again hope that you will help me in this regards and you will see once i got a full understanding of the project i will documented that, but for right now please help me in my situation.


Re: Dimension and New Company


I have a question which fits well under this post title: "Dimension and Company"

I have been reading both wiki and other posts here but still not very clear and maybe a real case could help also future readers

Here is the question: I would like to ask which is the best practise  in the following case: 2 different companies, or 1 company with different branche, or 1 company with different dimension?

I have a wholesale company, I import product and distribute b2b. I am opening a small shop to sell some of the products b2c. The inventory is the same. Sales: I could use different set of Pricing (wholesale and retail). Invoice and tax are not a constrain, I could use the same name or different name as I prefer (I'm writing from China, still same flexibility here)

Which solution in theory would you suggest?

Many thanks