I started a new thread (6299) to discuss the following point.
Please don<t answer here
Getting better...and worst...
Now I understand well the specific role of Tax groups (related to a group of customers) and tax types (related to items), and its works as said but there is, in appearance, a problem with the calculation in my case.
I am in the same situation as described in thread 1236. We have to take into account 2 taxes: federal (5%) and provincial(7.5%). The result of the first one, the federal tax, has to be added to the transaction amount before we apply the second tax, the provincial one.
As an example, a purchase of 1$ would be at 1.05$ after applying the fed tax.
Then I have to apply over that 1.05$ the provincial tax of 7.5%, and the end result is 1.13$
In thread 1236, you made the suggestion:
If this is the fact, then you would set it up as follow:
In Tax type, setup a fed tax 5%, value 5
Provincial tax 7.5%, value 7.88
Then combine them into a group, and you are done.
First it seems not possible (or I don't know how) to define a tax with 2 digits after the point, and the, 7.88% becomes 7.9%, which is incorrect.
Second. defining the second taxes to 7.88% would make this information "printed" on the invoice for the second tax, and I'm going to receive a lot of calls from customers...
Is there a better way (because that one doesn't seem to work).