Topic: Coordinated document numbers ...

We are about to begin implementation of FA for our business and realise that we will have to adapt some of our processes to FA, whilst others we would like to customize FA to suit our business.

A good example as follows:

We use coordinated document sequences in our current system.  So a complete document flow for a quote to invoice might look like:

Quote 10224
Order 60224
Workorder 900224
Delivery docket 500224
Invoice 300224

Question: is this possible to do in FA?


Re: Coordinated document numbers ...

Set the starting reference number in Setup tab, Forms setup, to the relevant start.


Re: Coordinated document numbers ...

Hello Joe,
I might be wrong, but I do not think your answer would work.  I think if you look at the base document numbers, it is 0224 and all the other documents have a specific prefix, eg: Quote is 1, Order is 6, etc.
If you set the starting document numbers as suggested and the second quote is turned into an invoice before the first quote, then would the invoice numbers be backwards in this numbering sequence?
eg: Start Quote at 1000, Invoice at 6000.  First quote is 1000, second quote is 1001.  If the second quote is turned into an invoice first will it become 6000 and the next invoice become 6001?  If that is the case the the results would look like this:
Quote:    1000      1001
Invoice:  6001     6000

That does not look like the coordinated document sequence as described to me.

Otherwise are you suggesting that the system will create all these documents numbers, regardless if they are subsequently used or not, to reserve the numbering sequences?

Re: Coordinated document numbers ...

Ah, I see. Using the references might not work if there is a miss in the sync, just as you say. I am sorry.
