1 (edited by syedmkhan 09/12/2024 04:31:51 pm)

Topic: Access setup screen - Where is the list stored?

Hello everyone, I am new to FrontAccounting. I have business and technology background. So far, I have explored FA and found it great. I am looking for the modules list shown on the Access setup screen Where exactly is it (file or DB)? I will highly appreciate some guidance.

Side Note: I have implemented ERPs with configuration data stored in a database, which makes them easier to manage and use. Why is this approach not used for FA (out of curiosity)?


Re: Access setup screen - Where is the list stored?

Configuration on a per company basis are stored in the database - sys_prefs table. Configuration of a site-wide nature are stored in config.php  file.

Read the wiki and search the forums at the outset.

Re: Access setup screen - Where is the list stored?

I found the list of modules and their features listed in include/access_level.php that is shown on the screen Access setup.

When I check the box against each list item where is that information being stored.?

Re: Access setup screen - Where is the list stored?

Setup => Access Setup
lists the possible permissions for the modules when activated.
These are all "enum" equivalent type text fields (sections and areas) stored as semicolon delimited bcd values in the table #_security_roles.