Topic: Direct Purchase Inventory Entry, item creation?

Hi all.  I’m just starting to evaluate this application and immediately ran into an issue.  Is it not possible to create items while creating a Direct Purchase Inventory Entry?  From what I can tell you have to create the item first before doing the entry.  This seems counterintuitive since you may have new purchases that have not yet been created yet.

Re: Direct Purchase Inventory Entry, item creation?

If doing a Direct Supplier Invoice (I think what you are talking about)
while creating you can click F2 to add supplier if needed or F4 to add a new inventory item if needed.

Hot keys will be shown on the bottom right of a window

Re: Direct Purchase Inventory Entry, item creation?

Thanks for your response.  I’ll take a look.  I’ll have to put together a more comprehensive list, research, and post a longer question list. I keep runn8ng into issues while trying it out.