Topic: Forgot Password

If you manage to forget the admin password for a company in the system, how do you retrieve or reset it?.

Re: Forgot Password

You can reset the admin password for a company by using phpMyAdmin. Enter the company database and find the correct table prefix f.i. 0_users.
Edit the user Admin. Paste the following md5 password, 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 , for 'password' into the password field.
You can now login as username: admin and password: password .
Please change this password this asap.


Re: Forgot Password

Hi there  Joe,

the same has happened to me, once the upgrade, from 2.1.3 to 2.2.4  was done I can not login to the default company any more, I changed the password as described by you for 0_user Admin ..... but cant but can NOT  login

errror :

The user and password combination is not valid for the system.

If you are not an authorized user, please contact your system administrator to obtain an account to enable you to use the system.
Try again

the second company that was set up works  like a bomb

Advice please

Re: Forgot Password

Are you sure your default company has a table prefix of 0_?
I only ask, because I have done the same mistake a couple of times smile
You should see the correct table prefix in the table in Install/Update Companies (Setup tab) for your default company.


Re: Forgot Password


I re did the upgrade today and all works fine ....thank you