(3 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

This suggestion did not work for me.  It still comes up as Cash.  A solution would be appreciated.

OK, I have been using google search (site:frontaccounting.com overallocated) and didn't find anything.  I will be sure to use the forum search from now on.

I also experienced this same exact problem on a new installation.

I got the message "At least one transaction is overallocated" both in the training system and in an installation I did. 

This in spite of the fact that nothing seemed to be allocated at all.  What's going on here and how do I correct this?


(3 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

OK, I was able to follow the logic on the supplier side.  I was not able to duplicate that however on the customer side with the example that I set up.  It says there are no unsettled transactions to allocate when there appears to be. Thank you.  At least now I understand how it works.


(3 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

I must be missing something entirely.  I have run through various transactions and posted payments and I see the resulting customer balance but as far as the payment allocations go all I get is "There are no unsettled transactions to allocate."


(3 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

I am following the accounting flow in general for the system.  For instance, I see how customer balances are determined and reported.  However, I can't quite figure out the Allocation Process.  I took a look at the reports and it doesn't make sense to me. Maybe it's just confusing in the Demo with fake data.  I understand it is about matching payments to invoices.  I see how that's done in Online Quickbooks for instance but I don't understand it here. Can someone give me a simple example of how the allocation process actually works in the system.   It doesn't seem to be documented in the Wiki.  Right now my lack of understanding of this is the only thing keeping me from deploying the system.