Thanks Joe,

As you can tell it has been a long time since I developed my program and it was the norm to build it the way I did. The Branch part makes much more sense, I do have many customers with several branches and have had to input them seperatly with different id codes, this did create some confusion sometime with users inputting the wrong location. I am an old dog trying to learn new tricks, didn't want to migrate but now I can see all the advantages.

No big deal splitting my data and importing it into mysql leaving the table setup intact.

Thanks again for your reply.


Hi There,
Been running in demo mode for a few days and have questions.
       1. why is the customer phone numbers not inputed when inputing a new customer, seems awkward to have to go to another page to complete the input.
      2. Same thing with items, you enter the item then go back to enter the price.
       3. definatly Check Writing.

I am in the us and have used Quick books for many years for basic accounting.
I run a service company and keep all service calls in a db I built 20 years ago in db3 which I updated with Alpha4. I now wont to move to SQL and think your program will be well suited with a few minor changes, I figure by Feb 08 I will have the design changes.

My 20 years of business is in tables of a much different structure, I have all the customer info in one table, all the items in another etc.

With my limited knowledge of SQL and PHP I hope to build a killer app, using FA the the basis. I will be happy to make any modules I design available for all to use.

One of the first changes I will write is to send you too the secondary page upon entering a new item or customer. (I have to do this for my employees) dont wont carpnel tunnel from clicking too much!

I would really like to know the reasoning for the split tables

Thanks, Very Good Interface and setup!