I have entered a purchase order with the following prices:

Price after Tax    Line Total
110.1924               110.19
  71.25                   71.25
  13.2924                26.58
  54.15                   54.15
  76.95                   76.95
  57.00                   57.00
  79.80                   79.80
   0.02                     0.02
Amount Total         475.94

However, when I go to "Outstanding Purchase Orders Maintenance", the "Order Total" for the above order is 475.95. If I click on "Receive", the "Sub-Total" and "Amount Total" on the "Receive Purchase Order Items" page 475.95.

If I go to the "Modify Purchase Order" page, the "Amount Total" is 475.94.

Why is the Receive page calculating the total differently from the Order page? Is it because some items are entered with 4 decimals?

The total to 4 decimal places is 475.9472, so the Receive page is displaying the total amount correctly.

What do you mean by "Eventually rounding errors you could put on the last line."?

This is a non-tax business. I did try entering the items including tax but the total is a few cents off. Here is one of the supplier invoices:
455.74 Sub Total
  63.80 VAT (14%)
519.54 Total

Here are the prices entered into FA including VAT (14%):
519.53 Total

The total if off by 1 cent. I thought it would be better to add the prices in FA without VAT in order to get the same total as the supplier invoice, but I realized that it does not add VAT to the total. How do I get the invoices I enter into FA to match the supplier invoices?

I have suppliers that charge VAT but I sell without VAT.

When I added suppliers, I left the option "Prices contain tax included" unticked. However, when I enter an order, delivery or invoice, I enter the supplier prices without VAT, but the total is still without VAT.

What do I do in order for FA to calculate VAT and add it to the total price?

Silly me...

I was actually wanting it to be discounted to 50.00 and thought that a 10% discount would give me a 5.00 discount.

Sorry about that.

I have a product that has a price of 55.00. If I enter a discount of 10% in the Quotation, Order, Delivery, or Invoice Page, the Total is 49.50. Why is it 0.50 less than it should be?

What I've decided to do is copy the Billing Address from the General settings to the Billing Address in the Customer Branch as well as other details like the Contact Persion and Phone Number. A bit tedious but it is the only way around the issue for now.

I've also found that if the Delivery Address in the Customer Branch is left blank, the Address in the General settings is used.

Surely there must be someone I can contact to help me?

I took a look at header2.inc which led me to doctext.inc. It had the following two lines:

'name' => @$this->formData['br_name'] ? $this->formData['br_name'] : @$this->formData['DebtorName'],

'address' => @$this->formData['br_address'] ? $this->formData['br_address'] : @$this->formData['address']

I changed 'br_name' to 'name' and it used the Name in General settings. However, changing 'br_address' to 'address' didn't have the same effect. The address was blank. What do I put in place of 'br_address' to use the address in General settings?

I removed the Billing Address from the Branch but when I view the PDF, the "Charge To:" area still has the Branch Name but not the Address.

I'd actually prefer changing the PHP code. Please could you show me what to change.

I am actually setting up the business for someone else so I want to make it as easy as possible for them to use.

I don't mind changing the files for every release. I have already done so for 2.3.6 and it wasn't many files. It is working quite well.

The only problem I have is when the documents are printed to PDF. In the "Charge To:" area the Name and Address is that of the Customer Branch. I would like it instead to be the Name and Address in the General settings. How do I go about changing this?

I am setting up a business that delivers customer-ordered items for functions (weddings, parties, etc.) to different venues. Instead of having branches, I want to have venues. Is it possible to change the HTML in the php files so that, for example, Branch Name and Branch Short Name become Venue Name and Venue Short Name? Will this cause problems with the GL accounts?