(6 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)


I am using 2.3.9 and don't see editable item description after I have added the item under New Sales Order Entry.  The only editable fields are Item Code, Quantity, Price before Tax and Discount.

Can you tell me how to edit Item Description from the Sales Order Entry screen?


Thanks Joe & Tom, that fix worked wonderfully.

How about if I want to change the field labels on the PO?  (e.g. "Your VAT No.")


I have just started to enter Purchase Orders into FA but our PO numbers do not start at 1 (for FA we plan to have it start at "PO0008000").

I went under "Setup" > "Forms Setup" and changed the "Next Reference" value for Purchase Orders to "PO0008000".

Now when I print my Purchase Order report, it still shows "Purchase Order No.1" in the header.

Is there a way I can change it to show my PO Reference Number instead?

I went under the "reporting" folder and saw a bunch of "repXXX.php" files.  Can someone shed some light on which one I should edit?


Never mind I found out what the problem was -- somehow my server defaulted to PHP4.  I've set it to version 5 and that fixed the problem.

Hi all,

I am trying to add access to "Tax Group" for the Sys Admin.  I am on version 2.3.5.

When I'm in "Setup" > "Access Setup", I selected "FA 2.1 System Administrator" from the "Role" dropdown.

Nothing happens.  The page does not load the access setup for Sys Admin.  I tried this on Chrome 12.0.742.122, Firefox 5.0, and IE8 and for the same problem.

IE8 is kind enough to return a Javascript error:

'user' is undefined.
http://[my domain name]/company/0/js_cache/utils.js
Row 3 character 83.

I have confirmed that the file "http://[my domain name]/company/0/js_cache/utils.js" is accessible on the web.

Anyone else got the same problem?