(24 replies, posted in Setup)

I've sent it to the gmail account smile


(24 replies, posted in Setup)

I've found an XML with all accounts, types and classes.
I've mailed it to the contributions email.

I probably can do the convertion myself if you can show me an example of how the template should look.


(24 replies, posted in Setup)

Alright, I'll make a CSV from that wikipedia page so you can easily edit and import it.


(3 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

And what would be the best way to import/push the sales?


(24 replies, posted in Setup)

Is there any kind of structure for this CSV?
Because these accounts are layered in a tree, does FA handle trees?


I have a small browser based game company. For our revenue we rely on micropayments, mostly using paypal, but also a few other providers.
At the moment I use GNUCash for my accounts, but I'd like to switch to a web solution.

At the moment I just export the daily sale amount to GNUCash, so for every day I have 2 transactions, one a sum of all my paypal sales, another the sum of all my paypal costs. I do not add transactions for every single sale.

However, now I'm wondering if it isn't better to make one transaction for every sale. I'm sure I can tweak some scripts that allows me to import all sales into frontaccounting. This way I also keep every paypal transaction in my accounts; the more detail, the better, right?

These sales are all to "end customers", so there is no need for invoices. I'm planning to create a customer called "online sales" or something and just put all these sales on this customer.

For my other services (social network sales, mobile sales, etc) I just create an invoice when I receive the money from them, so that doens't have to change.

How would you guys handle this? Should I do something differently?


(24 replies, posted in Setup)


I have decided to move from GNUCash to a web based solution and FrontAccounting looks perfect for my needs.
However, I can't seem to find a Belgian accounts chart.

I'm still looking for a good copy of a machine readable list, but I have found a semi structured wikipedia list:

How can I convert this to a frontaccounting readable file?
(I mean, how do I *create* a frontaccounting readable file smile)
