(2 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Thanks - I see that now.  I was looking for the info on the View GL Posting screen after placing the invoice, but I really should have been examing the actual GL transactions.

I have been using the demo company in FA to try to gain some experience with it, and I am somewhat confused by the GL posting of a direct invoice.  If I direct invoice a "purchased" inventory item, and I view the GL entries after placing the invoice, I only see a credit to sales and a debit to A/R. 

I was expecting to also see a credit to my inventory account, and a debit to COGS, like you see with a Direct Delivery.  When or how are the inventory accounts updated with a Direct Invoice?



Hello Alvin,

What you have said is interesting.  My sitution is that I have a POS system that is currently interfaced with a custom Oracle based backend, and I am looking to make the backend more small business friendly.  This means I either port the backend to something like mysql/postgresql, or I find another backend accouting/inventory system to integrate with.

My POS system is written with Microsoft.Net, but it uses web services to communicate to the backend system,  so it can be interfaced with other systems without having to make signifigant changes to the POS.  It also can be run "offline", so it does not need a constant connection to the backend system to process sales.  Looking at the FA database, I do see a few missing features/fields that I need for POS such as Retail Price start/end times (so price changes can be entered in advance of the price change taking effect) and Promotional Prices with start/end times, along with a few other item type and price related fields, but nothing that strikes me as overly difficult to add to FA.

I hope to do more testing with FA and look at the code and database design a  bit more to help make the decision if integrating with  FA would be simpler than porting what I currently have.

Best Regards,



Thank you for this clarification.  Do you feel the system could handle a large amount of inventory items, such as greater than 100,000 active inventory records?  My application would be retail stores, and even a relatively small store will have thousands of items.



Hello All,

My apologies if this post is in the wrong forum.  I wasn't sure of the  correct forum to post this type of inquiry.

I recently became aware of FA and it apears to be a very nice app.  It may very well meet a specific need I have at this time.  On the features page it says "3.FrontAccounting is in active development and is now shortly ready for release."   However, by browsing the forums it apears to me that it probably is being used by many people in actual production environments. 

Would any care to comment as to how they are using it, what size/type of company they use it with, and/or any other comments that someone new to/considering FA might find useful?

Thanks in advance.
