(1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

I like to get update announcements in Google Reader. Please add an RSS feed on the news page (or link to the feed if you already have it).



(2 replies, posted in Wish List)

Good point. I guess there's more reason to leave it visible than reasons to hide it.


(2 replies, posted in Wish List)


In the Bank Accounts Maintenance section, the complete Account numbers are shown. I would like a way to show only the last few digits of the account number (eg ******1234). I imagine clicking on the partial number to see the complete number. Perhaps a link near the top could show/hide all of the account numbers at once.

Security by obscurity - a helpful tactic in preventing casual theft.

What do you think? Was the request understandable?


ok. Thanks!
I just barely got FA working with more than one company in the same database. Sweet!

Thanks again,

Tom said:

I have a version I am cleaning up that also supports havig all the tables in the same database.

Does that mean I could have multiple companies in the same database? How soon could this be included in FA's core?

I hope so, because of the limited number of databases available on in my current hosting plan. I can only spare one database for FA right now.

Or perhaps you were saying that osCommerce and FA were in the same database?
