(3 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Is that the only available option?


(3 replies, posted in FA Modifications)


I would like to make modifications to FA as follows:

Have a field and store customer vehicle registrations
Have customer mileage
Have customer make and model

These fields should be stored in the FA database for future retrieval for the customer when they are selected

Is it possible to add parts an area in FA where products have additional fields that should be printed on the invoice?


(4 replies, posted in Reporting)


We use the same currency



(4 replies, posted in Reporting)

Hi Joe,

Sorry that just flew over me, what do you mean by centre?

Kind regards



(4 replies, posted in Reporting)

We run an export company where we have different accounts in which our customers pay into and they would like those to show near the legal text in their invoices for the bank to remit, is there a way where we can choose the bank they should pay into when doing their invoices or set a default account for the customer.

Kind regards,

Chirag Sachdev


(2 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Is there any way i can link it to an account say i have a debtor and i have all ready entered it in the GL?



(2 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Our company has balances in the trial balance for debtors because we itemise them, is it possible to use them as opening balances straight away? So that i don't need to do it the proposed way. We have the same facility for the


I tried using it on my blackberry os6 works like a star smile
