(1 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

Dear Admin,
I am new to FA please tell me what is the purpose of Account Tags with any suitable example. Reagrds

Dear Admin,
what is the purpose of Sales Kits & Alias Codes, pl guide how to use it and what happen if we do not use this option.

Dear Admin,

Issue # same as the supplier form and all transactions associated with it , i want a Contractor form and want that it works same as the supplier. how can i achieve this goal?

For Example: in FA we have 2 characters on which all the transactions depends i wan 3rd one is with the name Contractor

so we have 1. Customer 2. Supplier 3. contractor

ok , just got it the reference no is the real solution

I mean let the order number 101 allocated to both supplier / customer can we manage same order no with both customer and supplier for same order?

Dear Admin,

Issue# Can we change General Ledger Accounts Code for example :  1060 checking Account
Petty Cash 1065 and so on... how can i change ? what will be the affect?


(1 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

Dear Admin,

Issue #  Can we Edit Invoice? if yes, How?

Dear Admin,

Issue# How to show customer / Supplier ledger at the same order Number?
please elaborate

Dear Admin

I am new to FA, Please guide me the following:

Issue#  How to allocate customer or supplier's order form by self generated No.

For Example: customer / supplier order no starts with 1 , but i want to initiate them from let say 1001

is it possible and if yes how?


(21 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

I am New To FA please tell me what is a use of Customer Branch , its need and usage. can i perform all my  transaction without allocating customer branch to any customer?

Dear Admin,
Ref: V.2.3.4

Issue: please elaborate the difference b/w the diff. type of Transactions, or different methods of payment

i found 3 forms 1. Payment 2. Deposit 3. Bank Account Transaction 4. quick Entry  but i didn't found any change in these form. please help me