(5 replies, posted in Setup)

Dear all,
I also encountered the same problem. but I think this is because the table 0_currencies not use UTF-8, then I turned it into UTF-8. it's fixed. so please change the table (0_currencies) into UTF-8

Dear FA Team, I do not understand why the FA are not using InnoDB for all tables. considering almost all the tables relate to each other. i mean, using the "constrain" feature to make sure that data is related correctly.

you can edit it in config.php. search keyword "$app_title" and "$version"

sorry joe, there is a mistake if you set GST at 10%. because 10% x 98.00 = 9.8 (it should be 10 right and not 9.8)

dear joe/janush,

how do I create an invoice in which there are 2 different taxes. the first one is include. and the last is exclude.

in my country, GST is set at 10% exclude and Income Tax is set at 2 % include. Plz help me smile

Sales                          98.000 
Income Tax                  2.000
                               ----------- +
                                100.000  <== price of the product
GST                            10.000
                               ----------- +
                                110.000  <== total invoice


(6 replies, posted in Translations)

sudiawijaya wrote:
nucreativa wrote:

joe, let me explain to him with bahasa indonesia.

1. download file bahasa indonesia
2. install file bahasanya
3. ke menu preferences > languages, ganti bahasanya menjadi "Indonesia". lalu klik tombol update

btw gmn klo anda join ke trit saya di kaskus (http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=3450207). kita belajar sama-sama di sana smile

Joe, I've a forum about the FA in Indonesia. more precisely in kaskus (http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=3450207).

hallo mas saya baru daftar di kaskusnya belum diterima kali.. tapi saya memang pernah coba di xp filenya download dari sini pas dipraktek ga bisa.. apa harus dilinux kali ya btw nama saya sudia nama simas siapa ? saya juga ada kesulitan input saldo awal perkiraan, ar ap dan inv mas .. perusahaan misalnya udah jalan..

let me explain in my thread at kaskus. please join my thread smile

@joe : i'm sorry, next time i'll using english smile


(2 replies, posted in Setup)

I usually use the Banking and General Ledger> Deposit.


(6 replies, posted in Translations)

joe, let me explain to him with bahasa indonesia.

1. download file bahasa indonesia
2. install file bahasanya
3. ke menu preferences > languages, ganti bahasanya menjadi "Indonesia". lalu klik tombol update

btw gmn klo anda join ke trit saya di kaskus (http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=3450207). kita belajar sama-sama di sana smile

Joe, I've a forum about the FA in Indonesia. more precisely in kaskus (http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=3450207).

hi Janusz & bharatthakkar, can u sent me the extension plz.


joe... i've found another bug. i just sent an email to you about this bug

thaks for the update... you've made a great software. kept trying to make it better smile

I've sent it

joe, I made some changes to the gl_db_banking.inc. I've improved foreign exchange gain formulas. I think this new formula to resolve this issue. where I had to send files of this improvement.

no joe, in Indonesia, 1 USD is more than 9000 in IDR. I'll try your suggestion first. thanks

I'm sorry if my english not good. there is a bug in the frontaccounting, more precisely in the calculation of foreign exchange gains.

This error occurs when conducting transactions related to different currencies.

in my case, I change the default currency to rupiah (Indonesian currency). and I made a USD bank account. current assets and petty cash in rupiah. then I deposit my money into the account USD. more details follow the steps below.

1. deposit USD 10,000, with the exchange rate of 10,000 rupiah per USD on 1 January.
2. deposit USD 1000, with the exchange rate of 9,500 rupiah per USD at the date of January 10.
3. deposit USD 100, with the exchange rate of 9,500 rupiah per USD on the same date (10 January).

The first and second steps were correct. but the third step produces the wrong value. I question why foreign exchange gain is still in the calculations? if it still must be calculated to produce the wrong balance sheet. because the foreign exchange loss recorded two times in the general ledger.

Please response as soon as possible smile


(3 replies, posted in Wish List)

i just want "special price" for "special day/s". example : i want set a special price (like discount) on special day (like company anniversary, x-mas week, etc)