(1 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)


When entering the Opening Balance, you also enter the stock value.
With the step mentioned in fawiki to add stock, the stock value is added again. So you have the double value in FA. Step 8 in fawiki is needed to correct for this double value.


(1 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Hi all!

I only understand the basics of accounting. If I ask stupid things, please forgive me!

I follow the steps mentioned in fawiki (https://frontaccounting.com/fawiki/index.php?n=Main.OpeningBalances) under "Advanced". After step 7, my balance sheet looks ok.(Total Liabilities and Equities has correct amount). Also the GL Stock has the correct ammount in debet. The GL "Inventory Adjustment" has the same ammount in credit.

I think, this is ok.

Question: Why is step 8 in fawiki needed and what does it do?


(2 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Yeah... just found it, one hour ago... smile



(2 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Hi all!

I am writing a module which integrates Frontaccounting with Virtuemart. For this I want to call the function "add_stock_adjustment" (defined in "/inventory/includes/db/items_adjust_db.inc"). But this function needs the variable "$item". Normally this variable looks like the following:

                            [line_items] => Array
                                    [0] => line_item Object
                                            [stock_id] => 000013
                                            [item_description] => ketting Sono Ovaal
                                            [units] => st
                                            [mb_flag] => B
                                            [quantity] => 5
                                            [price] => 0
                                            [standard_cost] => 55


I am not able to generate this seamless simple array / Object.....

How can I generate this array / Object?


(6 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

Hi Janusz,

I saw this step, but in the dutch language.....

Problem is solved!


(6 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

OK Thanks!

I understand.

How can I allocate the pre-payment to the invoice?


(6 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

Wauw, Two answers.... ;-)

Your proposed order works! Thanks!

But sometimes I have to pay first, before I get he items.

So sometimes the order should be: purchase order, supplier invoice, supplier payment and then delivery receive.
The delivery receive is derived from the purchasing order. The supplier invoice is entered as new an the payment is derived from this invoice.

If I do it this way, the balans is different than after the proposed order.
EDIT: If I make manualy the invoice with a separate line for the tax, it is ok.

How can I follow my order in a correct way in FA?


(6 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

Sorry for my lack of knowledge of bookkeeping.

FA can do way more, than my old program. I think, purchasing items goes like the following steps in FA:
1) Invoice from supplier. Filled in / Purchases / Supplier Invoice
2) Payment.
3) Receive items

I do not use the inventory system of FA. It's already in my webshop.

What must I do in FA in steps 2 & 3?

Thanks for the fast response!
I will try the service.

I just installed FA and I testing it now.
Can someone help me with the following questions?

The inventory is kept in our webshop. I do not want to use the inventory system in FA. How can I add an sales invoice?

Kind regards,
Richard Vinke