OK - thx Janusz,

1) Anyone else got some input on my proposal?

2) Janusz - Would it be viable to create a module that includes (edited) copies of all of the impacted standard forms?  ie. Do it all as a module with:

- Edited versions of existing forms
- New forms
- For a given function, Users can bring up either the Standard Form (if not using Lot Traceability) or, under a different menu, the "enhanced" form with Lot Traceability in it.

Obviously, the database design/transactions would have to be set up in such a way that both can coexist.

3) Why? My thinking is that this approach:
- Lowers my dependence on the rest of the FA development cycle
- At a later date others can take my module and migrate it into the FA core at their leisure.




(3 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

I'd just like to clarify that answer pls:

1) I send the Supplier a Purchase Order.
2) The Supplier sends me the physical goods and I Receive them in to my Stock (ie. Inventory increases in FA)
3) I then discover a defect with some of the received stock and I complain to the Supplier.  The Supplier says either:

- "Just throw it out and I won't charge you for those items"; or
- "I'll come and collect the defective items from you and I won't charge you for those items"

In either of these cases, my Inventory now decreases.

4) I enter a Purchases Credit Note into FA to capture the fact that I don't need to pay for those items.
5) But how do I record that my stock level has decreased?  Are you saying that:

5.a)  When I include Items in the Purchases Credit Note, they will be automatically deducted from my Inventory on Hand?
5.b) When I DO NOT include Items in the Purchases Credit Note, they will NOT be deducted from my Inventory on Hand (ie. will just record the financial credit instead)?

thx again,


(3 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

When a Customer returns goods AND we wish to re-enter those goods into Inventory, we must:
- Create a Sales Credit Note with the "Credit Note Type" set to "Items Returned to Inventory Location"

However, when we want to return purchased goods to a Supplier there does not seem to be the same functionality.  That is:
- We can create a Purchases Credit Note but there is no "Credit Note Type" field.

So, does this mean that we would have to separately go to Inventory Adjustments to remove the Purchased-and-Returned Stock from our inventory?

Or am I missing something?

Hi All,

Apologies in advance for this long post.

Depending on the response I get to this post, I am considering adding Batch/Lot/Serial Inventory Tracking to FA (collectively referred to as "Lots" henceforth).

==== BACKGROUND ====
I am an accomplished PHP developer who runs a growing Perishable Goods distribution business in Asia.  I implement ERP systems on the side.  So I have the right background to pull this off and my growing business needs it.  But I am trying to decide whether to implement it in FA or an alternative - frankly, I'd prefer doing it in FA.

After testing FA, here are my initial thoughts on how it might work.

Items & Inventory -> Maintenance -> Items
Add fields for:
- Serial/Batch Control Reqd? (ie. is tracking required and is it Batch or Serial - see definition further down this msg)
- Is Perishable? (ie. if tracking required, are Best-Before dates required)
- Expiry Offset (days): (ie. if Perishable, default number of days to Expiry from Receiving)

Setup -> Company Setup -> Forms Setup
Add ability to set Next Reference for new Lots.

Changes to Existing Inventory Transactions
Add ability to add/edit/delete one or more Lots (from onoe or more Locations) against the following transactions:
- PO & WO Receiving
- Issuing to WO (including when the shortcut method is used)
- Inventory Location Transfers
- Inventory Adjustments
- Direct GRN (Purchases)
- Direct Delivery (Sales)
- Delivery Against Sales Orders
- SO Returns (ie. Credit Note with "Credit Note Type" of "Items Returned to Inventory Location")
- PO Returns (ie. Credit Note - looks like this needs enhancement to allow definition of a Credit Note Type with resulting stock movement similar to SO Returns above?)

Any other Inventory Transaction trigger points I have missed?

Inquiries & Reports
- Initially I would just add one or two new Lot-level reports.  Examples: Pick List with Expiration Dates (First-Expiry-First-Out "FEFO"), Lots Locations, Lots Aging.
- If others contribute to add more reports then that would be great.

My understanding is that:
- FA currently offers only the Average Cost method (method 1) for Inventory Valuation
- FIFO or LIFO (methods 2 & 3) could be added regardless of whether Lot Traceability is available (but there has been no real push for this yet).
- Inventory valuation for Exact Stock Lines (method 4 - what is the correct terminology for this?) is not possible unless Lot traceability is implemented.

However, whilst I prefer to "Pick" using FEFO (which has nothing to do with accounting), I value my Inventory (and set my Sales Prices as a margin above) the Average Cost for a product (method 1).

As such, I do not plan to make any changes to the current Inventory Valuation logic (ie. it will ignore Lots as it does now).

==== NICE-TO-HAVES ====
- Add the concept of Sub-Locations (Bins) with a One-Bin-to-Many-Lots relationship
- Review all existing reports for Lot Tracking changes (and Sub-Location changes?) that may be useful

- Serial numbers will be treated as a special case of Lots where the Lot Size is hardcoded to 1.
- One Location (or sub-Location) can contain many Lots
- One Lot can only be in one Location

==== DATABASE =====
At the database level I would like to:
- Add extra fields to the Items master table(s): Batch/Serial/None, Perishable (boolean), ExpiryOffsetDays
- Keep the existing Inventory-related tables as-is and just add two new Lot Master/Transactions tables. Obviously this is conceptual and I will fit it to FA conventions (I have not reviewed field names, record versioning, etc yet).
- The Lot Master Table might look something like:

LotID (unique) | ItemID (foreign key) | ExpiryDate | LotSize (holds net qty balance) | LocationID (holds current location)

- The Lot Transactions Table might look something like:

LotTransactionID (unique) | StockTransactionID (foreign key1) | LotID (foreign key2) | TransactionTypeID (Adjust,Move,ReceiveWO, etc) | FromLocationID | ToLocationID | Qty

Alternatively, we could make this a double entry table structure with two records per Lot Transaction - eg:

LotTransactionID (unique) | StockTransactionID (foreign key1) | LotID (foreign key2) | TransactionTypeID (Adjust,Move,ReceiveWO, etc) | LocationID | Side (in/out, like debit/credit) | Qty


So, feedback time.

1) How does this look?  Is this what you envisage for the first level of functionality for Lots?  Are there any important complexities/stumbling blocks/ommissions (functional or technical) that I need to consider?

2) Should I implement it as an Extension (possible?) or go straigth to the SVN?

3) Anyone willing to contribute?  Especially with the Testing and Reports & Inquiries where I'm pretty sure I'll get bored....

4) If I go ahead and deliver a stable version of this, how do we ensure it makes General Release ASAP?

Looking forward to your feedback,