Dear all,
I mistakenly added a wrong date of payment to a supplier payment. I need to change it to a different date. Would you please someone help me how I can change the date of the supplier payment?

Thanks in advance.

Yes, you are right and that's why I was looking for a report like the way we are familiar to see. I guess @flpages direction is the one I'm looking for.

Thank you so much. I can edit my invoice like the way you told it but I can't edit my Delivery note as it was not a physical product instead it was a due balance added using a fake servicing product. After editing the invoice from Sales > Customer Transactions it has gone from "Sales Summary Report" but it still shows in "Order Status Listing".

Would you please let me know where I can edit this information even if it is in Database.

One other point if you please see this topic and suggest me something about it:

Best regards,

Dear all,
I am enjoying the accounting system. I have added my opening balance on 31st August. Then i accidentally added my old invoice dated on 1st September which should be 31st August. Would you pkease help me how can i modify the invoice date without mismatching any data.

Best regards,

Thank you so much, you helped me a lot to start well with FA. Thanks again for this clarification.

Dear all,

According to my previous accounting system, I used to see my account balance as follows:

Previous Balance (petty cash) = 20,000/-
Today's Sales = 15,000/-
Collection Today= 5,000/-
Total Earning = 40,000/-
Total Expenses= 5,000/-
Current Balance = 35,000/-

Is there any way to see balance like this example?

Thanks in advance.

Dear all,
My current fiscal year is 2020, I need to add some of my previous sales records from 2009, 2010, 2012, 2014 and so on. How can I do that. May I Need to create a lot of fiscal year from 2009 to 2019?


Thank you so much for the clarification.

Dear Apmuthu,
Thanks for you reply. Will it help if I modify the tax rate from 5% to 0 in the database and use FA's all features as it is?

Dear all,

I am trying to setup FA for my existing business and I am not an accountant. All your posts/replies helping me to start with FA. Now I am hanging in the following situation and have the following:

Checking Account = 1000/-
Petty Cash = 1000/-
Accounts Receivables = 1000/-
Inventory = 1000/-
Total Assets = 4000/-

Accounts Payable = 1000/-
Sales Tax = 500/-

How can I adjust the rest 2500/- amount to match with my assets in which account in FA?

Thank you in advance.


(3 replies, posted in Setup)

Thank you for sorting this out.


(3 replies, posted in Setup)

Dear all,

I’m going to setup FA in the month of September, 2020.

I supposed to use fiscal year from January to December every year. Now would you please someone let me know how can I add my existing accounting balance in the system?

Thanks in advance.

Yes, you are right. Would you please let me know the configuration to create a Owner's Current Account:

Account Type: ?
Bank Account GL Code: ?
Bank Charges Account: ?

Thanks in advance

Dear all,
As mentioned in my subject how can I stop FA to calculated tax in all my transaction.

Thanks in advance.

Thank you so much.

Is it ok to add the extra balance in "3590 - Retained Earnings - prior years" account in FA?

Dear all,
I know how to add Journal Entry but don't know how to adjust the value of the total assets in the very beginning of using FA.

I have the following for example:

Checking Account = 1000
Petty Cash = 1000
Account Receivable = 1000
Intentory = 1000
Account Payable = 1000

Thanks in advance.

Thanks a lot.

Dear all,
I haven't much knowledge in accounting and I am searching to add GL entries for the following scenarios:

1. The owner Put money into the business.
2. The owner Get money from the business for his personal reason.

Thanks in advance.

That's nice! Is this extension already available?

If yes then please let me know the address, if not then I need to hire someone to do this extension as early as possible with a minimum budget, would you please suggest someone who knows well about FA.

Would you please let me know an approximate date of the availability of this extension in FA 2.5.

Many thanks with regards,

kvvaradha wrote:

You can knock me for the support dude.

Please check my PM.

Dear all,
I have written this issue in one of my other post, I thought it should go with a different post here.

I want to know is there any way in FA for installment sales, along with installment collection schedules and reports. I want to have the ability to do the following:

- Add Total Sales Price
- Add Down payment
- Installment Amount per month / quarter
- Due date for each installment
- Installment Status report showing the installments received till date and the balance amount remaining.

Would you please someone let me know if there is any extension available in FA either free or paid.

With best regards,


(5 replies, posted in Setup)

apmuthu wrote:

In old accounting system:
1. Before closing your old accounting system previous fiscal year, take a trial balance.
2. Segregate entries for unpaid invoices and the partial payments related to them - AR and AP.
3. Get the segregated Trial Balance without the above entries.

In new FA system:
1. In your new FA system, create the previous fiscal and make your current balances as as the end of that fiscal from the segregated Trial Balance obtained above.
2. Make the subsequent entries for the previous fiscal's unpaid invoices for both AR and AP.
3. Create a new fiscal year for the current period in the new FA.
4. Now close the previous fiscal in the new FA.
5. You will now be able to allocate payments to the old AR/AP unpaid invoices in the new FA.

You may need to make a few iterations - so keep a backup at each stage in both the old and the new systems.

If in doubt, take professional assistance.

Dear Apmuthu, I never thought of your quick reply. It's really amazing that you always take care of all the user who are using FA. Your explanation with in detail normalize all the things circulated around my mind except the last one.

Would you please let me know how to do the following scenario in FA:

I have to sell products in installment, client pay a down payment and conduct any of my installment terms as follows:
1. Sales invoice with down payment entry (let's say 50% of the total amount).
2. Installment date entry (i.e. rest 50% in 3 months, 3 payment dates entry)
3. Show reports of Today's installment collection.

Last but not the least I also was searching for a sale entry where I can enter customer name and address without going through a seperate Customer form.

With best regards,


(5 replies, posted in Setup)

flpages wrote:

You need to close the existing account and the balance sheet will be the opening balance in new FA accounting system.

you can refer to:

or my YouTube Video, How to enter Opening Balances in FA:

Thank you for the link. It helps a lot.


(5 replies, posted in Setup)


I am installing FA for an existing business and want to have all the following:

1. Add inventory without going through Purchase entry because I want to add only what I have items in my hand.
2. Add Payment to supplier without going through a lot of purchase memo's from previous year.
3. Add sales from previous year due to unpaid bills (I don't know how to adjust stock in this regards).
4. Want to have the ability to add Sales based on Down Payment and Installment system for specific period i.e. 3 months, 6 months, 12 months with respected interest rate.

Would you please someone help me to assist these setup.

With best regards,