I try to clarify my question. Taking as base the demo training.co

I would ask about the best practices in this soft (which  is very good)

My question is referring to how best to do the items listed below with this F.A

Referencing system based on the demo training.co

How is the best process to charge purchases and expenses in FA ?

Story 4 types of overheads.

group1 ) Purchases of materials for production or a work made by a supplier for a product for sale.

In Iventario --> Add item 
chose -- Category : Charges 
chose -- Item Type: Purchase
Chose: Exclude from sales:
C.O.G.S. Account: 1510 Cost of Goods Sold 
Sales Account: 4010 Sales ? or  cual ?

In Purchase -->
Add Supliers
Purchase Order Entry -?
Payments to Suppliers - ?

group2 group3 group4


we should create a category positions in Inventory or where?
The accounts are already created in the catalog of accounts, but as is the process to enter these expenses in FA?

group2), telephone, Office rent,
For the suppliers as being the landlord or power company or phone.
You have to enter them as  Supplier ?

group3) purchase and payment of consumables for the operation of the office .. (library, cleaning items) and maintenance (repairs, painting etc)


group4) Durable goods (vehicles y/or forniture ,)
We have to create these goods  in inventory? and then purchase ?
How to imput by capital assets?

Someone might suggest how to charge that expenditures on FA. One small step for each group

There is possibility to do so with Quick Entries For (payment of group2 and/or group3  )   ? How?
How is the process of procurement of goods?  group4




(40 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Here again the story, which I did, and gave me the error before making the change suggested by MorkvonOrk

I' Get up a new company
Create/Update Companies ->  Database Script ->  es_ES-iso-220.sql ( Chart of Accounts 2.2  espanish)

In new database, whith prefix 1_

Step to step

Create Fiscal Year create 2010
Delete all other fiscal Year. Previus  Company Setup ---> Fiscal Year: Select 2010

Banking and General Ledger -> Currencies
Create currency Pesos $ ARS 
Unchek ---> Automatic exchange rate update

Company Setup ---> Home Currency:  --> selec Pesos

In Currencies
Delete all other currencys 

Company Setup ---> Fiscal Year: Select 2010
Create Items
Sales Price ---> Currency: Pesos (this one)

Add and Manage Customers --->  Create Client
Customer's Currency: Pesos
Sales Areas : Create Argentina


Direct Invoice -->
Get error
Cannot retrieve exchange rate for currency as of 01/29/2010. Please add exchange rate manually on Exchange Rates page.
What's wrong?

Transactions -> Exchange Rates

There is only one coin ( Currencie)
And the menssage

The selected currency is the company currency.
The company currency is the base currency so exchange rates cannot be set for it.

I created the new dollar coin but continued to error same I have a single currency

Upload  the database en http://www.ta21.com.ar/front224.sql.zip

If someone can check if there is any inconsistency
Since already thank you very much

I clone the application site with the same soft base in other server, (linux, php, mysql same) The first application site although he had added another currency (dollar) still did not work The second worked fine.

Sorry for my English


(40 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Thanks for answering, it works perfect. It is very good this application
I hope to learn to use it and collaborate.

In company I have uncheck search customer list.

As a comment if it serves some purpose. Before changing the code as MorkvonOrk said, I clone the application site with the same soft base (linux, php, mysql) The first application site although he had added another currency (dollar) still did not work The second worked fine. (there is some cache or something in the application?).

I reiterate now everything works fine.

Many thanks


(40 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

When I did the first customer was the Sales Area:Usa
After change
Sales Area: Argentina
And Client1 get error in  Sales Quotation Entry and invoice

But After change, create Client2 and this leave my create the Quotation Entry

But still get error in i Direct Invoice

Cannot retrieve exchange rate for currency as of 01/29/2010. Please add exchange rate manually on Exchange Rates page.
Any idea.


Sorry, it was a permissions problem. Thanks

Joe, I found that in the post https://frontaccounting.com/punbb/viewtopic.php?pid=4572#p4572  had treated a similar problem therefore is the question 2) Exchange Rates.--

I went to not duplicate the issues. Please if you can give me a clue that is wrong, you would do me a favor.


(40 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Get error
Cannot retrieve exchange rate for currency as of 01/29/2010. Please add exchange rate manually on Exchange Rates page

I' Get up a new company
Create/Update Companies ->  Database Script ->  es_ES-iso-220.sql ( Chart of Accounts 2.2  espanish)

In new database, whith prefix 1_

Configure the fiscal year, customers, currency, taxes .
Charge Inventary.

When I try I get an invoice, get error  lack the exchange rate.
Let alone a currency , the new, my country (Pesos). Set the default currency in Pesos, and erase EURO.

Step to step

Create Fiscal Year create 2010
Delete all other fiscal Year. Previus  Company Setup ---> Fiscal Year: Select 2010

Banking and General Ledger -> Currencies
Create currency Pesos $ ARS 
Unchek ---> Automatic exchange rate update

Company Setup ---> Home Currency:  --> selec Pesos

In Currencies
Delete all other currencys 

Company Setup ---> Fiscal Year: Select 2010

Create Items

Sales Price ---> Currency: Pesos (this one)

Add and Manage Customers --->  Create Client
Customer's Currency: Pesos
Sales Areas : Create Argentina


Direct Invoice -->
Get error
Cannot retrieve exchange rate for currency as of 01/29/2010. Please add exchange rate manually on Exchange Rates page.
What's wrong?

Transactions -> Exchange Rates

There is only one coin ( Currencie)
And the menssage

The selected currency is the company currency.
The company currency is the base currency so exchange rates cannot be set for it.

What should I do to fix this lack of change?

I have read all the comments and can not find the error
I now have a single currency,  Upload  the database en http://www.ta21.com.ar/front224.sql.zip
If someone can check if there is any inconsistency
Since already thank you very much

Sorry for my English

Thank you very much for the answer

Problen 1)

En System and General GL Setup


Setup -> System and General GL Setup - > Profit/Loss Year:  100000 Gastos de Capital
Setup -> System and General GL Setup - > Retained Earnings: 100000 Gastos de Capital


Setup -> System and General GL Setup - > Profit/Loss Year: 140000 Diferencias Ingreso
Setup -> System and General GL Setup - > Retained Earnings: 100000 Gastos a Capital

Both were assigned to the same account, change it and leave to the error
Set Profit / Loss Year: and Retained Earnings: with just assign a different account for each one is enough or should we do anything else?

2) Exchange Rates

Erase all the Euro coins which she wore default accounts in Spanish and made new currency Pesos. I assign that currency (pesos) to the companies.

When I try I get an invoice, get error
Cannot retrieve exchange rate for currency as of 01/28/2010. Please add exchange rate manually on Exchange Rates page.

Transactions -> Exchange Rates

There is only one coin ( Currencie)  (Pesos $)

And the menssage

The selected currency is the company currency.
The company currency is the base currency so exchange rates cannot be set for it.

What should I do to fix this lack of change?

Thank you very much for your help and I apologize for my ignorance and bad English

The Retained Earnings Account or the Profit and Loss Year Account has not been set in System and General GL Setup

Frontaccouting 2. 2. 4

Set up a new company
Create/Update Companies ->  Database Script ->  es_ES-iso-220.sql ( Chart of Accounts 2.2  espanish)

Configure the fiscal year, customers, currency, taxes .
Charge Inventary.

But when I do some operation, such as tax erase fiscal years old, I get the error
The Retained Earnings Account or the Profit and Loss Year Account has not been set in System and General GL Setup

And when I try to change the default currency,

Let alone a currency , the new, my country (Pesos). Set the default currency in Pesos, and erase EURO.

When I try I get an invoice, get error  lack the exchange rate.

Any idea.

From already thank you very much.
Sorry for my English

Frontaccouting 2. 2. 4

Set up a new company
Configure the fiscal year, customers, currency, taxes and goods.
But in "Sales Quotation Entry" no link .It´s single text without link.  and you can not click on it.
I´m Made mistakes.

From already thank you very much.
Sorry for my English

My mistake was to create the second company from frontaccount/install/index.php.
Now I have created   as indicated by the instructions (I had not read with attention) from Setup -> Create / Update Companies. And directories are created automatically. sorry

Thank you very much

Thank you very much this is the right solution
wonder now, I configured the linux server with apache, mysql, properly configured
Create the directory frontaccout, and extract frontaccout.zip  archive into this folder.
Configure database (empty), configure apache for virtual host
Then create it first http://frontaccouting.arg/install/index.php company.
I had a problem (Fatal error: Class 'get_text' not found in) so I went back to http://frontaccouting.arg/install/index.php and it is this second company that now I'm trying.
At info.php . magic_quotes_gpc = 0 and register_globals = 0 session.auto_start = 0
The issue is that now I detect (thanks to your observation) than in company /0 backup the following files exist backup index.php js_cache images pdf_files reporting
Now company /1 which is what I'm using is not automatically the above-named files. I had to hand make the directory reporting and now thanks to your indication the js_cache. Any mistakes when installing?, is it appropriate to hand copy the directories company /0 for the others?

Thank you very much and sorry for my English.

Install frontaccouting  version  2.15  everything works  well
  Unless the calendar javascripts, fails to show  calendar.
  I clarify that I have the same server running the frontaccouting version 2.0.4 and it works well the the calendar can   displays(javascript: date_picker)
Server config.
Ubuntu 8 , Apache 2.2.8, Mysql 5.045

Any idea
Sorry about my English