I understand the two types of Supplier Invoices, and the importance or usage for each.
1. Direct Supplier Invoice
2. Supplier Invoices

However, there is a problem/glitch/bug or an issue in either my understanding of "SUPPLIER INVOICE" or in "SUPPLIER INVOICE & TAX CALC" in the following Scenario.

Recreate the case:
(1). Create Purchase Order for Taxable Item Item (Lets Say Price 1,000 and Tax of 5% comes as 50)
(2). Receive Purchase Order Items (same details above)
(3.1). Choose Supploer
(3.2). Add the Item of the P.O
(3.3). Add GL Item for this Invoice (Lets Say Water Expense) of 200
(3.4). Add Gl Item for this Invoice (Sales Tax 5%) of 10.00 (200 * 5%)
>>> Automatically FA will add 5% of the 200 to the VAT amount of the SUPPLIER INVOICE showing the following:
----------- Sub Total = 1,200  [1,000 + 200]
----------- Taxes 60 [50 + 10]
----------- Invoice Total = 1,260

>>>> THE PROBLEM <<<<
(1) Go  to Tax Report, you will find only the 50 (from the Item) but you won't find the 10 (from the GL).
(2) in the GL (Journal Enquiry) and at the Trial Balance the 60 will be shown in the account of "Sales Tax"

PS: Regardless if you add item or not still the FA will not consider the calculated tax for the GL Tax Account whether you add an Item or Not, But adding the item above was for clarifying the issue that I am facing


(16 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

apmuthu wrote:

Any modifications to the code in the current scripts without altering db schema will entail hardcoding for a specific install with account names / types and ids and that will not be generic. Both Cash and Credit Card are of Cash Type as far as the Payment Terms classification is concerned and that is why the simplified entry form gets displayed. If English is the only language to be used, then hardcoding to see if the word "Cash" is present in the name of the description of the Payment Terms can be attempted. The ramifications of the default POS being different from the one in the user's table will have to be studied. There could be several credit card merchant accounts in one installation where this would fail. Appending the account code to the last part of the Payment Terms description is the only way out for now.

@joe: what say you?

following this thread, I totally understand the concern @apmuthu has related the POS-User, I was wondering if there is any response from @Joe?
Also, would a permission to be given for a user, to overriding his POS solve the issue?


(3 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Hi Joe,
I totally agree with your work around. and I would add that this Item (From the Items definition stage) can be linked to an income account. of which will increase or decrease the income based on its total (as per this account accounting nature).
However, what is the possibility of making "Round Off" field in the Invoice itself (similar to concept of shipping). and this "Round Off" is excluded from the VAT by default also similar to "shipping". Also the GL Account of this round-off can to be set form the Setup?