(3 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)


I tried you demo site, but it seems to fail on some tables. Did you continue your work on this module. It seems a verry handy module for me.

Kind regards


I was playing around with the CVS version of version 2.2 but could not find any references to quotations. Can you tell me where/how quotations are integrated ?

Kind regards

We normally use references for quotations/orders/...
When I create a new sale, it always uses 'direct sale' for the 'our reference' field. We would like to have a unique reference for a sale ( reference on quote/order/... )
I don't know where/how to define this.

Thanks for your support and quick answers !


This helps. I'm already looking forward to version 2.2 with full support for quotes.

Any ideas how to change the 'direct sales' references ?

Kind regards.

Thanks for the reply.
Where can I choose to print it as a quotation ? After choosing "Place Order", I can just print it or create a new order. Or am I missing something ?

Kind regards


I'm testing version 2.1.4 and have two questions:

How can I create a quote using FrontAccounting ?
I can only create orders, but a first step is often creating quotations.

Whenever I create an order 'our reference' is direct sale, but I want here a particular value. How do I do that ?

Kind regards


(11 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

I think the code uses rmdir, which should be replaced by a recursive delete. That fixed the problem in my case.