(10 replies, posted in Setup)

Thanks kvvaradha and poncho1234,

I understand better how these 'prefix' supposed to work. I think this is a minor area that can be improved for readability sake, because from what I see, FA seem to give you option to edit prefix, but when you click edit there simply no options to do that. It's inferred that you gotta 'override' it manually by specifying in Reference Pattern. Maybe it's just best to remove 'Prefix' column altogether in future ?


(10 replies, posted in Setup)

apmuthu wrote:

The lack of edit for transaction reference prefix is that there may be other transactions using it. Use with care manually.

I can understand with the lack of edit scenario

But there is no option/column for "Prefix" when you add new either. So one could wonder why the need to put "Prefix" there if you essentially can't edir nor add ?


(10 replies, posted in Setup)

kvvaradha wrote:

Its simple you can do it like this.
Goto Setup -> Transaction References

Sales Invoice  SI{001}/{YYYY}
Sales Order    SO{001}/{YYYY}

I hope it will work for you.

Alright awesome kvvradha ! I think that should be thr fix that should work for now

Havent got a chance to try it, but it should be okay

Many thanks !


(10 replies, posted in Setup)

No, not creating new transaction reference

Just trying to add the prefix to whatever current transaction reference are

Basically I hit Company Setup => Transaction References and trying to add prefix to some or all, but there was no option to do so

*Oh and btw, there is no option to add/edit Prefix when creating new transaction reference either


(10 replies, posted in Setup)

I tried google and search in this forum for something that's actually quite trivial, but since I can't find any I am gonna ask away ...

I want to set standard prefix like "SI" for Sales Invoices and "SO" for Sales Order etc.
On Company Setup => Transaction References there are predefined settings and values that you 'should' be able to do so. There is a Prefix column, but when I edit Sales Invoices for example there is no way to enter value "SI" as a prefix

Is this something you supposed to set on the background ? and not on FA web ?


Hey Braath, thanks for that

I have looked at how other Accounting Software and thinking how, if similar issues were encountered. It really does seem very hard to 'clean up' old mistakes like wrong invoices / wrong sales order ... sometime even if you void the said wrong transaction, there are cases where the voided sales order still lives on, as you mentioned

I wonder if all these are by design, as to make sure all things are traced ? ... or simply, oh well it's  a bug ?

apmuthu wrote:

In a separate new company, make 1 sample transaction to simulate the wrong entries you mad. Study the before and after sql backups Now appropriately edit the actual company's DB with these updations, possibly having the sqls created from a spreadsheet.

Hi, this is the hard and to-the-core kind of solution and this will require considerable IT knowledge to do it properly

Is there somewhat easier and proper way to do this directly in FA itself ? I mean, how would one ( from an Accountant's perspective ) correct all those 30 mistaken entries ? Does void all those 30 and re-enter suffices ?

Hi notrinos, thanks for your reply. But I was looking at the bigger picture

Scenario :
we are producing an item called candy and sell them all over the world. now, the component to make a candy consist of many things.
let's say, in this case there are only 3 components : sugar, malt, and coloring

Option A) to go with Manufacturing process
Define work centers, create bill material (BOM): [component] sugar, malt, coloring => candy [finished goods]
for every single day your production unit produce candy

Option B) journal it other way
Is there a way in FA to do it skipping the normal Manufacturing process in Option A ?
Ok, now, why would you do that ?

The motivation behind this is that : for now, let's just say there are myriad factors to consider apart from
those 3 components and it's not easy to identify them and the effort to identify them completely would just
set us back for months. How would we go to address this scenario ? Is there a way where we can achieve the
result of Option A, like Inventory/C.O.G.S/labor cost etc but just skipping the Manufacturing process in FA ?

Hi guys,

Following is discussion for FA team, or, I guess for accountants in general

We are loving FA as a whole system. A whole, because it's the only few open-source software that
covers all aspect of business that we have ( We are in manufacturing ! ). kinda like SAP level, but
very much less daunting and looks like way more flexible

Speaking of flexibility, is there a way to 'skip' the usual Manufacturing process like setting up Bill
of Material/Work Order of the day etc to determine the COST OF GOODS SOLD / Inventory costing ?

This is, just because there are many factors that goes into manufacturing process that software may/may not
able to reflect real data like how we want it to be. Sure, we can have assumption and the likes but We would
love to know if we can 'skip' altogether it and use other way to determine COGS/Inventory part ?
( via daily inventory adjustment ... For example )

Many many thanks team
Keep up the good work
