Hi, i noticed this quite a while ago with FA 2.4.3 but did not come to my attention again to FA 2.4.8

For example I need to adjust down -5 kg of 'rice'. From 30kg to 25kg ( as per latest stock take )

System balance is 30kg, and should not complain of insufficient material when adjust down

But it does

Anyone knows what causing that ?

joe wrote:

Hello again MarkAndrew,

Yes, it looks like we can improve this costed inventory valuation report.

Will you download the file rep308.php1 and rename it to rep308.php and replace it in /reporting folder. Please test with various scenarious and tell me if this is better. Thanks in advance.


Hi Joe, I downloaded this version and it looks like it fixes the wrong costing method used in Costed Inventory Movement report (CIM)

But now there's a totally 2 different value for certain item in the system from 'BalanceSheet Drilldown' and to CIM report

I find it's higher in CIM report, which should be

Maybe FA2.4.8 have not found fixes to resolve these difference


(154 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Hi @apmuthu,

Does this mean that extension that you can install via "Install/Activate extensions" won't work with FA 2.4.3 that was released on 2017-10-11 ?

On the "Install/Activate extensions" it says it's available / suited for version 2.4.0-5

So with that mind, I thought it should be working out of the box

I'm reluctant to do upgrade at the moment, since it involves some work too to make sure data integrity isn't compromised during upgrading and such

Which 'import_transactions' version should work /w FA 2.4.3 then ? maybe i'll start with that for now


(154 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Btw I only have 1 line in the .csv for trying the Direct Sales Invoice Processing

And this is that line
Processing line 2 (10, 10, , 01/12/2020, 4, Retail, , , EKM.B02HTM48, EKONOMIS HITAM AVAL 40/28 x 02 x48, 1, Kg, 20000, 0, 0, DEF, 01/12/2020, Mr A, 1 Abe Street Glasgow G32 FHT, 134134, jj@adfa.uk, , , , ) in import file 'test_import2.csv')

Maybe someone with enough experience can highlight if there are simple formatting error that otherwise the program won't indicate which one is

Also my Transaction Reference pattern defined for Sales Invoice is as follows :
Sales Invoice    SI    -{YYYY}/{MM}-{001}

I thought when you leave blank at the reference colum , the module would create new reference based on the pattern ... but apparently the errors stopping it from doing so


(154 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Hi @apmuthu,

When i'm using the official repo, the error message where similar to what I saw earlier in the post. And to my knowledge and as far I've remembered I did not touch/edit any of the core files

The followings are what I've got :

Undefined index: pattern in file: /var/www/html/frontaccounting/includes/references.inc at line 80
Undefined property: import_sales_cart::$prep_amount in file: /var/www/html/frontaccounting/sales/includes/db/sales_order_db.inc at line 42
Undefined property: import_sales_cart::$fixed_asset in file: /var/www/html/frontaccounting/sales/includes/db/sales_order_db.inc at line 75
Undefined variable: ret in file: /var/www/html/frontaccounting/modules/import_transactions/includes/import_sales_cart_class.inc at line 315

Hence I thought there must be something not right /w the official extension files of import_transactions/

When I try your FA24Extensions/import_transactions ... the error message became around 'missing reference'

So far have had not success with this extension

And I'm testing this from a recently restored system that basically consist of fresh FA2.4.3 installation and an .sql from working system

Not sure if that helps because it appears that the system is missing 'pattern' definition


(154 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Have always gotten the response "You must enter reference"

I thought if it's set blank it can generate new reference ?

Mine is 2.4.3 and was using official extensions repo then replacing it with batwhete or apmuthu's one

Hi everyone,

My current version is 2.4.3 Build 09.12.2017
Haven't had time to do upgrade to latest version yet

I notice this issue as I am doing some data migration onto our current FA system. It's mostly just about giving same item different category name just to better our reporting organization

How would you go move one item to different category btw ?

For example, we have item 'bread' that previously on category 'raw material', now it becomes 'finished good' because we just want to sell it as it is

The bread having ending balance 12 unit in this case

I find it can be done in 2 steps with IA operation :

Step 1
Do Negative Inventory Adjustment of that item /w old category to 0
So you go -12 unit

Step 2
Set the item and set to new category
Do Positive Inventory Adjustment of the same item set to new category to whatever the original balance was, which in this case +12 unit

Can anyone suggest simpler method ? I am open to that too

Now, the bug / error that I notice is that when the ending balance is something like of this value or decimal format : 27,328.2900

In this case, I can't do negative inventory adjustment of -27,328.2900 because FA will complain that there will be not enough stock

The most I can do is 27,328.2899

Anyone could perhaps point what code I should be looking or why is that ? how would you treat the remaining 0.0001 ?

I stay away from SAP and Oracle lol

IMHO too much learning curve and expensive / inflexible and require a lot more knowledge transfer and needed certain level of human capital to operate that is much lacking here

It's only when your company / organization / process mature enough then you may be getting some benefit from it

but yeah, this is just my 2 cents for it

Thanks @poncho1234,

That should suffice for my study and hopefully comes out with ways to better manage wastage etc /w or /wo FA

Was hoping with one integrated system, like FA though

Thanks @poncho1234,

Let's say we produce 3 orders of finished product

Assuming each time we manufacture it we will take 110 kg from raw material no matter what => producing a 100 kg finished product

Now these 3 orders execution could go like the following

start balance
raw material  : 500 kg

- You take 110 kg raw material from warehouse => 100 kg finished product + X material
- upon inspection 8 kg of X is usable and rest is material lost

ending balance
raw material : 500 - 110 + 8 kg back = 398 kg

start balance
raw material  : 398 kg

- You take 110 kg raw material from warehouse => 100 kg finished product + X material
- upon inspection 5 kg of X is usable and rest is material lost

ending balance
raw material : 398 - 110 + 5 kg back = 293 kg

start balance
raw material  : 293 kg

- You take 110 kg raw material from warehouse => 100 kg finished product + X material
- upon inspection 6 kg of X is usable and rest is material lost

ending balance
raw material : 293 - 110 + 6 kg back = 189 kg

What I meant is that in each of the orders, usable X could be 8 kg or 5kg or 6 kg. You will never know until end of execution

I'm pretty sure there should be way smart enough to NOT adjust BOM every time you want to create each finished product, in which there will be thousands transactions in real-life

There are usually only 2 ways to go about it

a. exhaust ahead and adjust back by the end of process if you over-exhaust value
b. exhaust minimally and adjust whenever required to closely match the physical stock
c. well, i was hoping someone experienced could advise how to go about this

I would opt to for a) because it's simpler operation out of the two. but apparently FA Inventory Adjustment Reporting are misbehaving if I put zero value ram material. the internal database material_cost seems to be correct, just the IR reporting and valuation wrong

@apmuthu : how ?

Just so that we are in the same page

You start with these balances

raw material : 250 kg
finished product : 0 kg

your BOM is set so that 1 kg finished product use up 1.10 kg raw material assuming


You take 110 kg out from raw material stock ( 250 kg - 110 kg = 140 kg )

input   : raw material used = 110 kg
output : finished product = 100 kg + 10 kg of material X ( usually lost )

But 8 kg of these 10 kg X material actually can be used back or added back straight to raw material stock ( so 140 kg + 8 kg ) for next process

Leaving 8 kg reusable and 10 - 8 kg = 2 kg scrap

Remember, all these 8 kg having ZERO value as its value have been exhausted ahead


raw material : 148 kg
finished product : 100 kg
lost material/scrap : 2 kg

I don't need FA to track lost material / scrap . I just need correct way to put these 8 kg back to raw material stock in FA for the sake of reporting . As my first try with positive inventory adjustment 8kg ZERO value leads to bug / incorrect behaviour, so here I am posting

Or maybe someone can help how in accounting these 8 kg reusable goods are treated in the book ?


(4 replies, posted in Manufactoring)

Ow. this is great ! I was bumping similar issue few months ago. I thought it wasn't possible to do it

I just needed to add decimal points smile

Great stuff


(45 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

maybe create manual script first that re-evaluate the whole costing / valuation since $start_period untill $end_period or EOM that can be enacted manually somewhere in the Setup tab

after that's done, then naturally setting cron job of this script is already 2nd in nature

Ok, firstly I'm not sure wether this should go to Bug Reporting or New Feature request
as what I'm bumped into is a bit of both. This would surely also still touch on the current
inventory valuation report bug that it's currently going on in 2.4.3 and maybe still an issue for

In our manufacturing industry, it's normal to account for loss material when it comes
to inventory valuation, for example when we want to create a 100 kg of finished good,
there may be coming from a 110kg of raw material

The keyword is 'may be', as we won't know the actual loss material value until the process
finish or when period ends

110 kg raw material = 100 kg finished good + (assumed) 10 kg loss material

My industry is unique, in the sense that most of those (assumed) 10 kg loss material can
be used again for next process.

After operators sorted it, it's found that 8kg of the (assumed) 10kg loss material can
actually be reused for next process leaving only 2kg of real loss

How do I facilitate these scenario into FA ?

Steps to produce
0. Create raw item, simply called 'raw item'
1. Create manufacturable item 'finished item'
2. Having BOM as follow

   1.10 raw item for each 1 kg finished item

3. This way, it's assumed all 1.10 raw item are exhausted to make 1kg 
4. Apparently 8 of the 10 assumed lost material can be used again ! but these 8kg values have been reduced
   to ZERO since I have exhausted them ahead
5. How do I put these these-now-worth-ZERO 8kg back to raw item stock ?

Option 5a --> actually my first preference, but apparently will need some changes to algorithm behind it
a. inventory adjustment to record additional raw item qith qty=8kg and unit_cost=0

this operation is not currently possible because the algorithm will treat unit_cost as not 0, but as null,
hence it will take value from purchase_cost instead

class line_item
    var $stock_id;
    var $item_description;
    var $units;
    var $mb_flag;

    var $quantity;
    var $price;
    var $standard_cost;

    function __construct($stock_id, $qty, $standard_cost=null, $description=null)
        $item_row = get_item($stock_id);

        if ($item_row == null)
            display_error("invalid item added to order : $stock_id", "");

        $this->mb_flag = $item_row["mb_flag"];
        $this->units = $item_row["units"];

        if ($description == null)
            $this->item_description = $item_row["description"];
            $this->item_description = $description;

        //[FIX/SUGGESTION] to separate a 0 $standard_cost vs other null $standard_cost
        if ($standard_cost == 0 )
            $this->standard_cost = 0;
        if ($standard_cost == null)
            $this->standard_cost = $item_row["purchase_cost"];
            $this->standard_cost = $standard_cost;

        $this->stock_id = $stock_id;
        $this->quantity = $qty;
        //$this->price = $price;
        $this->price = 0;

I did try to hard-code and set $standard_cost=0 and posted

The result that follows are
1. raw item stock qty adjusted correctly
2. raw item value adjusted to figures that is just wrong ( it was inflated if i am not mistaken )
3. no GL is produced for this transaction --> i'm not so sure why ?, maybe the current logic is not to produce GL if any transaction is having no value. maybe someone senior can have more information further on this

Option 5b --> my current workaround until IA issue resolved
a. Simply create a new supplier 'internal_supplier'
b. create purchase order / direct invoice with item raw_material qty=8kg and price=0
c. This, so far it adds the raw material stock correctly
d. The IR report also showing correct figures, so is CIMR


(45 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

I think I am bumped into similar issue. Currently using 2.4.3

Going to upgrade to 2.4.4 soon and see wether it resolves

IVR and CIMR are both very important, because at the moment that's how you get inventory valuation and they way it's setup not correct / accurate


(14 replies, posted in Manufactoring)

Following may sounds silly but I hope you can help clarify how FA costing works since this thread just found an issue with weighted average cost

Ok everyone, in attempt to understand how FA costing and profit/sales recognition method works let's consider following 3 consecutive work orders dated 8, 9, and 10 July 2019 ( Monday to Wednesday )

date 2019/07/08 is the very first day doughnut production hence there will be no previous average_cost

date    item-name    qty_in    price        stock    stock_value    average_cost
2019/07/08    doughnut    50    1.23        50    61.50    1.23
2019/07/09    doughnut    50    1.25        100    124.00    1.24
2019/07/10    doughnut    50    1.27        150    187.50    1.25

In my case, my admin John is responsible to enter WO transactions and Mary is responsible to enter SalesOrder transactions. John usually enters and completes WO transactions day by day while Mary only works on weekend and complete all pending SO by weekend

My question is

A. If the first SO dated 2019/07/09 for 50 item.
    these 50 item's cost would be 50*1.23 or 50*1.25 ( latest entry average_cost ) ?

B. If the first SO dated 2019/07/12 for 50 item.
    these 50 item's cost would be 50*1.23 or 50*1.25 ( latest entry average_cost ) ?

For A and B, I believe the answer supposed to be 50*1.23 isn't it ?

But if anytime you need to do Inventory Adjustment for 50 item on or before 2019/07/10, the value would have been 50*1.25 ( by the latest entry average_cost ), is it not ?

Thanks for your time

Hi @apmuthu, @brad

Thanks, with advanced manufacturing I think it will get closer to reality as possible

What's left are 2 possible scenario(s) and please help me guys because I want to understand manufacturing as much as possible for FA

If computer records showing stock for raw material supposed to 900 kg while in reality is 850 kg, you would use Inventory Adjustment to substract -50 kg from raw material to declare it as cost right ?

What if the exact opposite happen. computer records show raw material 900 kg while in reality there are 950 kg. If you use Inventory Adjustment to +50kg to raw material. How does FA treat this ?

Hello guys, I am trying to figure out how to use and manage Manufacturing module as close as it gets to real application scenario and I am kinda stuck at the moment

This maybe more of a Accounting problem rather than the FA System. But however way Accounting designs it hopefully the FA System can support it through this module

We manufacture plastic bags and they are basically mixture of main raw material of plastic granule and other additives like coloring

To create / produce 1 type of black plastic bag for example we can only set estimate of how many additives are added on each product. Let's say, the current ratio is set to 5kg of black additives per 25kg raw material plastic granule

So to have 300kg black plastic bag as output. In theory it would have at least needed 50kg of black additives and 250kg raw material plastic granule as input

But there will always be loss material in the way, materials that are still left in the machines, some operator screw up ( ie more waste generated etc etc ) so that it may actually need, say on that day 312.5kg combined raw material + additives to produce 300kg net black plastic bag. On other day, it may need 315kg input

My question is how do you book these extra 12.5 - 15 kg material loss ?

Inventory Adjustment would book them directly as cost where it should be contributing to either COGM and / or COGS



(7 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

I've got the following error message when trying spread out over 2 years of lease ( acrrued in 2019 and 2020 )

And yes, I have defined / created 2020 fiscal year

"Some of the period dates are outside the fiscal year or are closed for further data entry. Create a new fiscal year first!"

Is there a way to modify these ?

I suppose there are only 2 ways to input WHT in FA :

a. manual journal entry, like @apmuthu describes
b. quick entry ... which basically just a setup manual journal entry. this only works if your purchase is of fixed amount over time

I don't think the current Supplier Invoice operation supports this since the journal of any additional tax are treated like VAT ( WHT is kinda tricky that it's not addition )

Someone can clarify findings maybe to make things better for FA

I can do the latest step using manual journal entry. that's no problem. it'll just be ugly way to do things around withholding tax. I'm trying to get it done under what's supposed to be by inputting onto Supplier Invoice

Maybe There's something that i'm missing because the entry generated by Supplier Invoice operation are not what I would have expected it would be /w Withholding Tax component

Ok. So the following setup is what I have done so far :

1. Set a new Tax in Setup -> Tax named "Withholding Tax" with its
    Sales GL Account to "Withholding Tax Payable"
    Purchasing GL Account also to the same "Withholding Tax Payable"

    Default Rate is 2%
    Well, our company just concern with Withholding for Purchase. so that's the only subject of interest for now

2. Create a new Item Tax Types that make sure "airconditioning service charge" have this tax component.
    In fact it's the only tax component for this item

    It is a Service type item, so its :
    Sales Account is set to "Sales"
    COGS Account is set to "Repairs and Maintenance"

3. Create John as Suppliers and make sure he is also in Tax Group with Withholding Tax checked. Not that it matters a lot

    Account Payable Account is set to "Account Payable"
    Purchase Account is set to "Repairs and Maintenance"

4. Create a direct Supplier Invoice for a $100 worth of invoice.

    The Price Before Tax Line is set to $100. Hence there's a $2 Withhold Tax on this transaction

The created Journal Entry would be ( from creating Supplier Invoice operation in FA )

Dr Withholding Tax Payable $2       ---> I would expect this to be Cr, like what you thought it would have been
Dr Repairs and Maintenance $100
Cr John Payable $102

apmuthu wrote:

Commissions off the books or amount set aside for possible contractual reasons / bullying the supplier!
A special tax called "On Hold" can be made and on every such purchase invoice it can be credited to a special "Payable Account" from where it can be paid out to the real beneficiary.

I am now bumped into same issue how to do Withholding Tax /w FA

@apmuthu, can you elaborate more on this solution ?

For example, we have Mr.John as airconditioning repairman who did $100 job on our company.
This $100 is further broken down to :
- $98 Supplier Invoice to John and
- $2 Withholding Tax for John that our company must pay on behalf of Mr. John

How do we do it ?

If we do it using your solution above the Supplier Balance would remain $100, wouldn't it whereas it should've been only $98



(0 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

I am learning setting up FrontAccounting as I go. While there are progress that are going to right direction, there are some which, at the moment sits idle neither right or wrong

One issue that I'm finding is how you allocate payment to due/overdue supplier invoices

Let's say, we have the following
- Overdue supplier invoices $1,000 INV-001 on 21 February 2019

And when we want to make Supplier Payments of $1,000 we should be allocating to corresponding invoices, which in this case to INV-001

If you do that, then All is well. The invoice has been paid and hence clear

I used to not do it this way. What I did was entering the $1,000 straight onto the "Amount of Payment" field. While this comes out/offset-ed correctly on Supplier Balance report etc, this transaction will leave INV-001 dangling as unpaid / not resolved yet

How can I correct this ?
Preferably not voiding all those 'past mistakes' and create new one that replaces it LOL

Ok. Thanks for the help @apmuthu. All is well now

Yeah, I though it was more of Accounting technicality rather than software technicality. I gotta agree /w the original post though that it's a little overhead work and kinda unnecessary to have 3 distinct dates because it's confusing

Sorry, I think I did not explain the issue clear enough and clearly was not detailed enough
First, forget about the invoice overdue on november.

Let's change the scenario for a bit :
A salesman who works for us had score an extraordinary sales target last year (2018), hence the top-level has decided to give him the yearly bonus (say $1,000). But the bonus would not be given to him until 1st of March the following year (2019) via bank transfer. How would you enter this transaction into FA ?

Essentially, how do I make FA recognize this as expense in 2018, but the bank transaction that actually happens is recognized in 2019 ?

What I currently do (and hence think the correct way - but apparently not so )

(1) Make a Journal Entry with journal date 31/12/2018 and Event Date/Document Date 01/03/2019
     Wages $ 1,000 (C)
     Bank                        $ 1,000 (D)

(2) This way, the extra $ 1,000 is recognized as expense in December 2018

(3) Then, when I check on Bank Statement, I found that the transaction is journal-ed on 31/12/2018 whereas I thought it would be on 01/03/2019 Hence If I print monthly Bank Statement for March 2019, the transaction won't be there

So what I want to get out of this is :
(a) The extra bonus $ 1,000 is recognized as Expense in December 2018 when you print out P & L Statement of 2018
(b) When you print out March 2019 Bank Statement, there is that actual transaction for that

Please help me correct this
I'm more of a system developer background, not so much for accounting but I'm learning smile

Many thanks,