
I noticed this and tried to figure some way of sorting on description as I have nearly 1000 categories. We have some 100,000 products which we are entering, but the lack of sort order on category and or search fro a category is a bit of a nuisance.

Any solution is sight? I'm using version 2.2.11

I've been trying to create a new chart of accounts.

Classes: Rearrange of existing numbers and creation of new entries
Groups: Delete existing numbers and creation of new entries
Accounts: Insert New Accounts - New numbering scheme and then delete old account

I seem to be able to actually create the chart of accounts, but then when I do I then have problems with Add Customers and Branches. Firstly customers can be created, but then when I go to branches there are no customers. When I go back to customers the customers have disappeared, but still appear when I do a report on customer balances.

I've tried creating the system from sql by modifying an existing sql list.

I've also tried creating the new system by modifying the classes and then modifying groups and then adding new accounts etc and then deleteing the old, but some where in the process, the customers not no longer work.

I've checked all the tables, but I can't find what is not appropriately linked or missing.

Can any one please give me a few pointers.
