
looking for someone to make paid enhancements to FA and make them available to all FA users.

Im in the cellular phone industry but believe that these requirements are not unique to my line of business and want to contribute this to back to all users.

I need the following enhancements done to FA:

1. Add two fields to "Items" with customisable descriptions. The first will in effect be a "serial number"  and the second a unique associated number. (In my case the first will be the IMEI (serial number) and the second the MSISDN (phone number). This needs to be pulled trough in all modules as P.O. Entry will be done against the IMEI number yet supplier credit notes for claimed (paid) items will be done against the phone number.

2. Automatically generate the Item Code from the description field based on customisable parameters.

3. Enhanced security by only allowing access on a per company basis to individuals. i.e. when you log in only the companies that you have access to are displayed in the dropdown list.

If anyone is interested please contact me by mail for more detail. renierdejager at gmail dot com



I would like to integrate FA with the above...

Any advice on where to start ? not necessarily all at once

I am not a programmer and therefore require advice so that I spend resources wisely getting this done and would like to contribute by making any eventual integration available back to the community.
