Thank you.. I have changed the code for Bolivia but for the version 2.3.25 where you can put a specific tax amount for each product.. if you want, we can discuss about this..

I was wondering if for Germany and Italy is it necessary to change something or it can be used as it is now.


Hi all..

I have seen the Frontaccounting to be used in Southamerica (Bolivia) and there are some special taxes that need a special development (a fixed tax on the alcohol volume of a drink and not on the sale price for example), the TVA in the sales price but another Transaction Tax that goes to a special account. There are some tax reports that should also be developed.

In the case of Germany and Italy, how was the experience of Frontaccounting? Is it possible to use the FA just like this in accounting and taxes subjects, or is it necessary to develop some code?

Thank you,


Hi.. Is it possible to work like Amazon that makes the invoice first and then sends the items (in one or more shipments)? The normal process in FA is to sent the items and only then make the invoice.. is it possible to do in the first way I mentioned?

Thank you

Hi.. the last post here is from 2012. Was there any development about Landed Costs in the meanwhile?



(1 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Hi.. I am using the 2.3.25 version.

The "item types" (B, M, D) are fixed in the code. When we create an item, we select one item type.

On the other hand, we can create "item categories" as we want. But we have to select an "item type" for the "item category". Why? The "item type" is already defined as in the first paragraph.

And further more, what happens if I create an item with an "item type" B and then I assign an "item category" with different "item type" as D for example? Confusing.

Thanks for an explanation.

Hi.. I have a doubt on how the system calculates the profit/loss when closing the fiscal year. The benefit and profit is the sum of transactions of the balance accounts and not the income and costs accounts as it should be?

In the file it is calculated with the following formula:

$sql = "SELECT SUM(amount) FROM ".TB_PREF."gl_trans INNER JOIN ".TB_PREF."chart_master ON account=account_code
        INNER JOIN ".TB_PREF."chart_types ON account_type=id INNER JOIN ".TB_PREF."chart_class ON class_id=cid
        WHERE ctype>=".CL_ASSETS." AND ctype <=".CL_EQUITY." AND tran_date <= '$to'";
    $result = db_query($sql, "The total balance could not be calculated");

It is the sum of the transactions from the classes Asset, Liabilities and Equities (Balance classes) and not Income, Cost and Expenses (Profit and Loss classes). I should sum the Profit and Loss classes transactions: CL_INCOME, CL_COGS and CL_EXPENSE.

Am I right?



(6 replies, posted in Dimensions)


I have a doubt regarding this.

I have an item with a dimension X. When I buy this item for 100 usd, a transaction is added to the "Inventory GL account" so this Inventory account is increased in 100 usd for the dimension X. But when I sell this product for 150 usd, a transaction is made for the same account but the dimension is now 0 and not X, so it does not discount the Inventory for the dimension X.

I would like to have a Balance sheets for every dimension so I need to have all the accounts separated by dimension. And the sum of all the dimension balances should do the total balance..

Not sure if this is possible according to the comment that dimensions only uses the profit / loss accounts..

Thank you for your help.

FA v.2.3.25


(3 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Hi there... We are interested in the same subject. Could you explain a little further on how to track the empty cylinder? I understand that it is sold as zero price.. then how is it returned? or should we work with assets? Thank you for your help.

Hi.. we have a tax that is calculated on the volume of beverages (0.06 usd/liter) and not on their price. Is there a possibility to configure this kind of tax in FA?



If you need to run FA in German, you need to have your Windows to be in German (For some versions of Windows I think you can add different languages to your Windows). I tried in a German Windows machine and it worked.


I have installed FA and I want to use it in German and Spanish. It works in Spanish but not in German (it displays everything in English). I also tried French and Italien but it did not work: (it displays also everything in English).

I work with wampserver in a Windows 7 computer in spanish.

Maybe the windows should be in German to work?

Thank you