(7 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

I've started translating FA into Norwegian - and think it will be a very welcome alternative to the expensive proprietary applications used here.

However there is one type of functionality that most companies would want - electronic banking. The system is used by all banks in the country and works as follows:

Accounts receivable:
Customer invoices are printed with a special numeric field, containg customer number and invoice number and a simple control number. For example NNNNIIIIXX where NNNN is customer #, iiii is incoice # and xx is calculated from the other two.

When customers pay they enter this number as reference. The result is that companies download a file each morning containg date, amount, reference for all yesterdays payments.

The ERP system then read that file and all appropriate transactions are automatically updated.

All commercial ERP systems has this.

Accounts payable:
Same thing but in reverse. You register the reference with the supplier invoice. The ERP creates a file that you SEND to your bank. After that you download a file containing all actual supplier payments done yesterday, and the ERP take care of it.

By the way, almost nobody use checks anymore.....

My question the is:
Now, how difficult (or expensive) would it be to develop an addon that would do this?

It seems that AF is designed for pretty large companies. Not having this functionality would keep a lot of larger companies in Noway from beeing able to use it.

Thanks for reading!


(3 replies, posted in Setup)

Hi Janusz,

Thanks for answering, and giving a good explanation on how the software works.

I'll have to do some more testing. I think FA is very well thought out, and it seems very mature and secure.

However the accounting laws here may be a problem. Maybe that is the reason there are no serious open source financial apps translated into Norwegian.


(3 replies, posted in Setup)

I've just started to experiment a little with FrontAccount, to see if it may be used by Norwegian companies. I would appreciate your thoughts on the following subjects. Some may be easily solvable, others may be just my "way of thinking"....

1. Periods
Most companies in my country reports tax (VAT) on a bimonthly basis. On april 10th we send in a VAT declaration (and payment) for all tax for the months JAN-FEB, etc. Almost all domestic accounting systems will then LOCK those months, making it impossible to add more entries. If you in april should "discover" a lost incoming invoice from january, this would be entered in the APRIL period, with the original DATE. Any tax deductable on that invoice would then appear in the MARCH-APRIL declaration. If there is no lock, and you mistakenly enter the invoice in january, there will be a discrepancy with the GL and the VAT declaration.

2. VAT
Most domestic systems work with VAT codes: For example 1 = 25% deductable VAT. If i enter an invoice for goods (for reselling) i would simply enter

Debit - 4000 (account #) - 1 (VAT code) - 1250.00 (grand total amount of the invoice). 

Credit - Supplier account

Beacause of VAT code ( #1) the system will calculate incoming VAT and automatically enter "1000" on account # 4000 and "250" on account 2320 (Incoming VAT).

Is there a similar way to do this with FA?

3. Invoicing

According to Norwegian laws, once an invoice has been printed, it should not be possible to edit or delete it. Any changes should be in form of a credit memo. Does FA work this way?

Thanks for your making FA available, Any comments on the above would be greatly apreciated,