I have translate FA to Frence - using google translate and poedit and try to import this to FA.
(I need to complete this but will like to see my file in FA)
Server OS: Ubuntu Server Edition
FA: 2.0.4
I have no success to chance FA to French. I have also try to add the pl_PL po and mo file and also here I have no success to chance FA to Polish.
There is no problem to upload po and mo file from FA.
In lang/ I find the map fr_FR and pl_PL contain fr_FR.po and mo + pl_PL.po and mo
FA add the new langues to installed_languages.inc:
$installed_languages = array (
0 => array ('code' => 'da_DK', 'name' => 'Danish', 'encoding' => 'ISO-8859-1'),
array ('code' => 'en_GB', 'name' => 'English', 'encoding' => 'iso-8859-1'),
array ('code' => 'en_US', 'name' => 'English (US)', 'encoding' => 'iso-8859-1'),
array ('code' => 'fr_FR', 'name' => 'French', 'encoding' => 'iso-8859-1'),
array ('code' => 'pl_PL', 'name' => 'Polish', 'encoding' => 'ISO-8859-2'),
I have add 2 new test users who use French and Polish and I remember to logout and login
- but FA its still work in English.
Hope that somebody can help me to continue.
Best regards
Mr. Virkus, Denmark