(12 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

tom wrote:

at the rate things are going I expect to have something of interest in a few weeks.


Sounds good.  Let me know if you'd like help testing when you're ready.


(12 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Howzit Tom,

It's an online advertising system - customers place an order, are presented with an invoice, and pay before they can proceed (all of this occurs outside FA).

We need this sequence since most businesses (customers) in our country will only pay if they have an invoice in their grubby little paws wink

After each order/invoice/payment those details need to be inserted into FA - nice and automatically since this presents a lot of manual labour.

It sounds like your sequence is a bit different?



(12 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Thanks for the feedback.

OK, that's what I needed to know - whether it was doable and guidance was available on this list on the procedure to follow to achieve it.

After months of playing around and trying to decide which accounting system to go with, FrontAccounting has come out tops.



(12 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)


I've had a look at the API docs, but this topic wasn't covered there (only UI).

Is it possible to import invoices into FA without manual intervention?  For example, we want to create invoices externally (eg, a customer buys something online and an invoice is issued to him), then using a script we write, import (ie, insert into DB) that invoice into FA (or a batch of invoices), including any other supporting SQL transactions which may be required for that invoice.

Does anyone know the exact steps required to achieve this programmatically?


joe wrote:

The database functions for MySQL is wrapped in the files /includes/db/connect_db.inc and /includes/db/sql_functions.inc (transactions), so there should be no hard-coded mysql-functions.
But we cannot guarantee that all SQL sentenses will work in either PostgreSQL or Oracle. And we do not maintain any support on this topic.


Thanks, Joe.  We'll check it out and possibly contribute our Pg changes.


Are the DB calls in the PHP hard-coded for MySQL, or is an abstraction layer used so alternative databases (such as PostgreSQL or Oracle) can be used?


How difficult (or easy, depending on your outlook) would it be have some kind of grouping or hierarchy of services (yes, I'm enquiring for a services business).

For example, a customer may subscribe to a number of services each month, for which he is billed collectively under a single account number.

Even better would be a hierarchy of services (ie, service B cannot be sold without service A also being included, etc).

Any comments are appreciated.



(1 replies, posted in Wish List)


Great looking product, first of all.

I've searched this forum for Recurring Billing, but have not found much.

Presumably this is not yet possible in 2.0.4, so I'm trying to get an idea of what would be involved in writing an external script to create/process such transactions.

Would we be able to call on the developers to provide step-by-step guidelines on what's required to automatically create these (eg) monthly invoices for existing service-based customers?   Writing the code is not a problem, it's the technical and business logic in FrontAccounting which will be an issue.

Also, we would like to extend some screens:  eg, have the ability to store additional customer detail (such as banking details, credit card details, etc).  This we'll either do ourselves, or possibly sponsor development thereof (maybe also sponsor work on recurring billing).


This was an older version of IZArc - upgraded and it works as expected...

I wonder how many other files it's screwed over the years... :-/

joe wrote:

I haven't heard of this problem before. It seems that your index.php placed in your /fa/ folder is corrupted. Please replace it with the one from the package. This index.php does have several instructions, not just a redirect.


Thanks Joe - looks like you're right.  If I examine the index.php file directly from the zip file, it contains good stuff.  If extract it, then open it, it only contains:

header("Location: ../index.php");



FrontAccounting 2.0.4
PHP 5.2.0 (session.auto_start = 0)
MySQL 5.0.27
Apache 2.2.3

After what seemed a successful install (DB and tables are OK, etc), I try to browse to so I can login for the first time and it merely redirects to and fails (since the index.php is trying to redirect to ../index.php - which doesn't exist).

I then try:

and I get the login screen.  Logging in successfully with 'admin' and the password I previously set, I get the expected menu screen.  However, if I click on Setup, it jumps to - error.

I think I must have missed something minor, because it's completely unusable.

Any suggestions?
