(29 replies, posted in Wish List)

A requirement which has some similar elements is the selling of domain registrations for example. Many identically priced, but unique items. The name of the domain can be considered to be similar to the serial number.

Some of this functionality can be achieved by adding a "Price" field to "Item Categories".

Hope that makes some sense.


(5 replies, posted in Installation)

Fiscal years seem to have to be consecutive with no days missing, they can be longer than 1-year however. Try entering a very long fiscal year, starting whenever and ending on the 31-03-2010. Then you will be able to add the year you describe and delete the earlier years. Worked for me anyway (with 2.3RC3).


(5 replies, posted in Wish List)

The only sensible way to proceed IMHO is to place all the database calls into a single file or set of files.


(5 replies, posted in Wish List)

Currently you're not making abstraction very easy!

MySQL calls occur in:
admin/system_diagnostics.php, admin/inst_upgrade.php, includes/db_pager.inc, includes/current_user.inc, install/save.php,
as well as the includes/db/ directory.
That's with V2.2.11 BTW.

I'd be more than happy to conribute to a SQLite driver once the calls are lumped together. I'd recommend the PDO interface too.


(5 replies, posted in Wish List)

With MySQL now owned by Oracle the future of the database must be uncertain. Tying yourself to this storage engine doesn't look wise to me.

I'd like to use SQLite.

If you want an example of DB abstraction that supports MySQL, SQLite and PosgresSQL; look no further the Drupal 7. Yes, they have just added support for the other two DBs.


(4 replies, posted in Installation)

MySQL functions seem to be in all sorts of places, as a seach for "mysql_" reveals.

I'd like to use SQLite. I'd write the abstration layer which would be quite simple were it not for the above.