My apologies. I made a mistake when restoring the code. All 4 browsers do the same thing, the tab closes.


I've tried the following:

Chrome 43.0.2357.124m
IE 11.0.9600.16518
Midori 05.10.32 (portable installation)
SeaMonkey 2.33.1

Chrome and IE - closes the FA tab.
Midori and Seamonkey- nothing happens when clicking the back link


The goBack() function looked like this:

function goBack(deep) {
    if (window.opener)
        window.history.go(deep || -1);

before I changed it.


If I change the goBack function in utils.js script to look like this:

function goBack(deep) {
     window.history.go(deep || -1);

it seems to work correctly, but I'm a bit worried that that might affect something else.

Please let me know if this will cause a problem.


It does the same thing using IE 11.0.9600.16518


When I open Company Setup and click on the Back link at the bottom of the page, the tab in which FA is running closes. I am running FA 2.3.24 with a WAMP called Uniform Server ZeroXI - 11.7.7 on Windows 8.1. This is happening on Google Chrome 43.0.2357.124m. The WAMP is running Apache 2.4.12, MySQL 5.5.44 and PHP 5.4.42.

It also happens on all other screens where a Back link is present.

Any ideas on what the problem can be?