Hi apmuthu, I changed it to this
array('c.description','IF(stock_id RLIKE \'^[a-z]\', 1, 2), stock_id')

Ok. nevermind. I didnt look hard enough. It was just a few lines down the same file. Got it working.

As mentioned, the new version of FA sorts items in a different order. I realized it may have something to do with the new version of mysql or php.
The sql concerned is

SELECT stock_id, s.description, c.description, s.inactive, s.editable
            FROM 0_stock_master as s,0_stock_category as c 
            WHERE s.category_id=c.category_id   ORDER BY c.description,stock_id;

which is found in include/ui/ui_lists.inc: function stock_items_list()

I tested adding REGEXP '^[a-z]' DESC, an answer I found in stackechange, and it works. But I cant figure out where the ORDER BY is located. It is not in the ui_list.php. Can someone point it out for me?

Hi Apmuthu,

What I mean is the order of the list shown in the dropdown select box. I have search item ticked in the company page.
I tried to print screen the dropdown but it disappears. Is it even possible?

Here is an example:
If I type Gold bar, the results in the dropdown are as follows
Gold bar - Gold Bar 24k
123456789 - Gold Bar 24k
`Gold bar - Gold Bar 24k inner packaging
It is sorted as letters, numbers, then symbols. But in 2.4 symbols come first, then the rest.
I want to change it to the old one. What do I need to modify?

Hi poncho, I have no clue with java. I dont understand that post. I am using virtualbox, I think there is no mod-security or any firewall enabled. I tried to disable javascript in firefox to look for error. I enabled debug mode, but there was none. 
The problem is with adding an ssl certificate. I guess the redirect page is causing problems? I removed it until I know how to install it properly.

Hi Apmuthu,
When you type in the text box the item code in sales, purchasing, or item page, it shows a combo box with the item code and the description sorted by category then item code. I want to change the order back to the previous one where symbols come last.

Hi apmuthu, thanks for the help. I finally figured it out. I forgot to mention I tried adding ssl and it is what is causing the problem.
I followed this guide for a ssl certificate. Do you possibly know what is causing a problem?
https://www.digitalocean.com/community/ … untu-16-04

I encountered a problem with debian 9, mariadb 10, php 7 in VM. I have about 5000+ items and it works fine in ubuntu 16. With the same database and FA 2.4.3, I get a load error when I go to items and try to search for any items. Foreign codes, sales and purchase orders all output a list of items. I only get the error when in items page. Does anyone know the cause of this? php maybe?

I restored a snapshot with only the following installed.
Debian9, apache,  Mariadb server 10.2.1, php7.0 libapache2-mod-php7.0 php7.0-mysql php7.0-gd php7.0-opcache
I was able to successfully install a new FA2.4.3 but the same problem arose. The items page loads for about 10 sec and shows the exclamation mark error. But it adds the new item after a refresh as it appears in the droplist. But I cant load the new item to the page for an edit.
Am I missing a php connector or is the settings at default causing limitations? It is working well with my desktop OS in Ubuntu 16.

Hi, I needed to use 2.4 due to dependency issues. But I like the way the search function in 2.3 works and I want to overwrite it on v2.4.
In 2.3, symbols appear after the alphabets, after the numbers. But the order in v2.4 is symbols, numbers, letters. Can I easily modify this?


(5 replies, posted in Setup)

I found a backup last month that is working and compared the sqls. In crm_contacts, the  auto_increment in ID disappeared which is causing the error. Trying to fix it right now.


(5 replies, posted in Setup)

Hi apmuthu, thanks for helping again. I dont think it's because of the browser cache or the sys_types. also, I can create a new supplier without any problem.

When I change the sql I am able to insert a new row. But the original FA file is like mine so this can't be the reason. Can it be because I used mysql workbench from Ubuntu 16 to overwrite my database in mysql 5.5 php 5.5.9 Ubuntu 14 server?

"INSERT INTO ".TB_PREF."debtors_master (name, debtor_ref, address, tax_id,
dimension_id, dimension2_id, curr_code, credit_status, payment_terms, discount, 
pymt_discount,credit_limit, sales_type, notes)
INSERT INTO 0_debtors_master (debtor_no, name, debtor_ref, address, tax_id, curr_code, sales_type, dimension_id, dimension2_id, credit_status, payment_terms, discount, pymt_discount, credit_limit, notes, inactive)

I added debtor_no, inactive.


(5 replies, posted in Setup)

"The entered information is a duplicate. Please go back and enter different values."
I got this message when I tried to add a new customer. The names are unique. Does anyone know how to fix this?


(1 replies, posted in Setup)

I encountered today a problem with the auto increment of the form reference number. When I use the same account on two computers in making different sales invoices, the reference updates automatically. But when I have 2 different users making 2 different invoices the reference number comes out the same. After getting the error that the number is already used, I have to manually change the number until I get an unused number. Do I need to do something? And earlier the number was still say, 20, even when I had already made an invoice with ref no 21. I manually updated the number to 22. Can someone please explain things to me? Thanks


(6 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Thank you apmuthu.Your way is easier. I found that I need to update 11 tables. I believe I'll manage everything except src_id. Can you tell me what this field is?

Thanks Joe. I saw it before but didn't think I need it. hmm

I am using FA in a retail store. The stocks purchased comes in different UOM that what is sold. Each UOM have different code. I want to run a procedure daily that checks if the smaller UOM is negative and if so convert the bigger UOM to it. To do this I need a field for quantity/case. Is it alright if I create a new table in the database for this or can i use the long description in stock master? Thank you for the help.


(6 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Hi amputhu, I now have a scheduled event which calls the procedure to copy sales from Unicenta to FA. I placed the data on another table in FA.
Do you have tips on how to make invoice of the captured total daily sales. My idea was to look at the sales_invoice_db. But since it is quite complicated I wanted to make sure I am in the right direction before continuing.


(8 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

i checked the value in stock master and it is "1". So, I changed the value in mysql and it is now showing correctly.
im using firefox, fa 2.3.22. Thanks for the help guys.


(8 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Hi apmuthu, I don't know how to check the session values but I think it's not the problem. I checked if the correct UOM appears when I make the sales order but after placing the item code the UOM remains blank. With the rest of the product, the correct UOM appears after you hit tab. When I clicked the add item button, the UOM then became 1. The UOM I assigned to it is bags. There is no problem with the other products having bags as the UOM. Thanks for the help btw.


(8 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

when i made this sales invoice, the UOM was different than what I assigned to the item.
this came up,
Item Code     Item Description     Quantity     Unit     Price     Discount     Total     Quantity Delivered
SAF612     Safeguard Soap White 60gx162     1     cs     2,410.00     0.00     2,410.00     1
TID662     Tide Powder w/ Freshness of Downy 74gx216     1.00     1     1,690.00     0.00     1,690.00     1.00

The first row is correct but the second row should have the same UOM. I dont have "1" as UOM so I guess this is just a bug. Is there a way to solve this or should I just deactivate the product and make a new one?


(6 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Thanks amputhu. I guess I don't need to use an API but to figure out replication in mysql? I have zero knowledge with this. Good thing time is on my side. smile


(6 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Hello, I have been using FA for months now and it has been great. With my limited knowledge in programming, I was able to modify the reports to suit my needs.

I am planning now to use unicenta for pos. As of now, I dont need to sync the data to FA yet. But in the future, if all goes well. I wish to include inventory management and so needs to sync it to FA. I understand I can use the simpleAPI already made. But it proves to be more than what i can handle. can you guys guide me on what and where to learn the basics of it? Thanks


(2 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Screenshot. Seems not. It works now. Thanks apmuthu.


(2 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

When I tried to use positive item adjustment an error appeared saying, "The adjustment cannot be processed because an adjustment item would cause a negative inventory balance : -".

But I remembered it working before when I was playing with all buttons in this program, so after a while thinking why this happened, I finally remembered adding textcart. after disabling it, I can again make adjustments. But since I have many SKUs I need to use textcart to add the beginning inventory in FA. Is this a bug? I didn't touch the codes except for the reports.

Wanted to add a SS but don't know how. sad Great software btw. Was considering to learn iDempiere but this one is much simpler for my first take at ERP. smile