(1 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

When setting up a recurring invoice the information in the template drop down is not very helpful of you have several templates for the same amount.

The information shown is order no, hyphen, "Amount", and invoice value

So you can get a drop down like

1 - Amount 250
2 - Amount 250
3 - Amount 250
4 - Amount 250
5 - Amount 550

When I come to set up recurring invoices I don't know what each order no is for and duplicate amounts make it difficult to identify which one to use.

I am not sure if anyone would use the order no and amount to identify an order but the reference is somthing the user can set on each template to uniquly identify it.


Property 78 - 250
Property 11 - 250
Property 9 - 250
Property 7 - 250
Property 25 - 550

sorted it would show as

Property 11 - 250
Property 25 - 550
Property 7 - 250
Property 78 - 250
Property 9 - 250




(3 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

New installation so mysql no change from installation.

Can change the currency symbol to £ or $ but not €.




(0 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Not having a good day here!!

Logged in on the wiki and I am searching for exchange and click go

url it looks for is


Error message on screen is


You don't have permission to access /fawiki/index.php on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

If I enter https://frontaccounting.com/fawiki/index.php in the url it works fine.

If I search for exch I get results.

Any thoughts?




(3 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

I am unable to add the euro symbol € through this screen.

If I add it direct to the db it gets removed the next time I edit the record.




(154 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

No need to reinvent the wheel.

The correct journal entries are already generated in 2 other places where customer/supplier payments/invoices are entered

function write_customer_trans being one.




(154 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

I am not sure what this list of tasks is meant to achieve.

From the data being imported I would expect the extension to create the relevant enties in the S/L & P/L.

I am reporting the extension does not work as I would expect it to.



Just installed this extension and got the error message

[an error occurred while processing this directive]

File access on hooks.php was set to 644, works when set to 755.

Might go back and try Company Dashboard as I seem to remember I got that error there as well




(154 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

All values in this field on the db are singlw words.

The import file does not have a column for this but uses these two.

Person_type id (Supplier =1 Customer =2)    Person_id(Use lookup tool)

Only these 2 functions are called





(154 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

I have installed and been trying out this extension.

It would appear the entries to the sales / purchase ledger depending on the person type and person id are not being processed into the db.

This means for customers, the payment does not appear in the debtor trans table and thus can not be allocated to an invoice.

Just thinking how a dummy invoice can be created.




(4 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Yes see more chars, there is room




(4 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

The email address in comany set up will not accomodate my email address, it is set to 25 whereas all other email fields are set to 50.

admin/company_preferences.php line 170

email_row_ex(_("Email Address:"), 'email', 25, 55);

email_row_ex(_("BCC Address for all outgoing mails:"), 'bcc_email', 25, 55);


email_row_ex(_("Email Address:"), 'email', 50;

email_row_ex(_("BCC Address for all outgoing mails:"), 'bcc_email', 50);

This bring them into line with the 3 other places email can be entered.




(1 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

When using the option to "Press space tab to filter by name" and entering an * all the selectable items appear in the drop down.

When using "Add and Manage Customers" after selecting and updating a customer the drop down still contains all the selectable items.

This is very usefull as you can easily select the next customer to work on.

Whereas using "Items" after selecting and updating an item the drop down only contains the item that has just been updated, so if you want to work on another item you have to use the search facility again.

This is time consuming if you have many updates to perform.

Where possible can all the fields that have a "Press space tab to filter by name" be amended to work as per the drop down in "Add and Manage Customers".

For businesses with a large number of customers populating the drop down with the current customer and x more in the drop down would be usefull.


(10 replies, posted in Wish List)

Sales Order Entry and Inquiry have different field titles, so i was not confusing them.

I have just tried it again and the dates are promting as expected so apologies for a false alarm.

Not sure what could explain it, I have not changed the files since and I logged off and on again just in case.

Must be operator error but can't determine here.




I have come over here after supporting oscommerce since 2007 so was interested in the interface between these 2 systems.

I was most upset to see this extension did not work out of the box and found the option to give access to a user was not visible, just as described above.

After further investigation I have found the contents of hooks.php is incorrect. If you change it to

define ('SS_OSCORDERS', 106<<8);

class hooks_osc_orders extends hooks {
    var $module_name = 'osCommerce Order Import';

        Install additonal menu options provided by module
    function install_options($app) {
        global $path_to_root;

        switch($app->id) {
            case 'orders':
                $app->add_rapp_function(2, _('osCommerce Import'),
                    $path_to_root.'/modules/osc_orders/osCommerce.php', 'SA_OSCORDERS');

    function install_access()
        $security_sections[SS_OSCORDERS] =    _("osCommerce Order Import");

        $security_areas['SA_OSCORDERS'] = array(SS_OSCORDERS|106, _("osCommerce Order Import"));

        return array($security_areas, $security_sections);

And hey-presto, you can now give access rights to users and they will be able to see the option on the Sales tab.

Incidentally why do you have to test for orders when the tab is called sales?

            case 'orders':

Is it just a cunning ploy to make it difficult for new developers?

Unfortnately that is not all you need to do, in osCommerce.php replace all occurrences of

"$table_style2 w







On line 229 change table type to read


That should allow you to start up the application.

Select the configure option and enter your osc db credentials.

Now you can import your customers, check prices and update prices. Make sure you have backups of both DBs before you start playing!!!!

I suspect the order import will fail big time if the osc model/products numbers are not synchronised to the FA Item nos.

The check prices option will show what needs to be done.

I suspect the next stage is to update the stock in OSC from FA.

Anyway this should get you going.




(10 replies, posted in Wish List)

Just tested this,

I went to GL set up and set Quote Valid Days to 30 and Delivery Required by to 10.

Logged off and on again.

Started Sales Quotation Inquiry, Quotation Date is 17/12/24 and the field titled "Valid Until:" is prompting with 27/12/14,  this is today's date plus the number in the Delivery Required by field set up on the GL set up screen. I would expect it to be 14/01/15.

Any thoughts?



I believe it sets the value to 1.

It is a very confusing way of testing if a box is checked or not.

It was failing to cater for the box not being checked.

if (isset($_POST['trial']) && ($_POST['trial']!=null)) {
     $trial = true;
} else {
     $trial = false;

Is probably neater.




(10 replies, posted in Wish List)

When entering a Sales Quote there is a field called "Valid until:", this promts with tomorrows date.

If you complete a quote without changeing the date using Sales Order Inquiry you will not be able to see the quote after 2 days.

Most quotes are valid for 30 days, so my initial thought was for it to promt with the current date + 30.

But I dare say validity of quotes could vary by company so having it as variable in the company set up makes sense. This would enable faster entry of quotes as the operator will not need to change a date every time as the company standard would be prompted every time.

So I am proposing 2 changes:-

Company parameter of "Duration of Quote"

Allow "All Quotes" to be seen in Sales Order Enquiries by using a "Show Expired:" check box as per the "Show closed:" on the Journal Enquiry screen.

This would allow expired quotes to be retrieved and used.



Excellent idea.



Well spotted, it is actually surplus to requirements, possible error mesages are covered later in the wiki.

All corrected now




Having just used the funtion following the instructions in the wiki I have updated the wiki.

It breaks the process into logical steps and provides more comprehensive instruction which a new user of FrontAccounting should find easier to use.



Can I suggest the test on delivery date is removed from the sql so the date selectors will work.

AND sorder.delivery_date >= '2014-12-12'



When testing this feature I get the message

67 Payments would have been successful if imported. Uncheck Trial check before importing.

Around line 238 of /modules/import_transactions/import_transactions.php change

// Commit import to database
if ((isset($_POST['trial'])) && ($_POST['trial']==null)){     
    $trial = null;
if (isset($_POST['trial']) && ($_POST['trial']!=null)) {
     $trial = !null;


// Commit import to database
if ((isset($_POST['trial'])) && ($_POST['trial']==null)){     
    $trial = null;
if (isset($_POST['trial']) && ($_POST['trial']!=null)) {
     $trial = !null;

if (!isset($_POST['trial']) ) {
     $trial = null;

seems to do the trick.




I have imported my customers.   (edit made here)

I have set up 2 Sales Order Quotations.

Sales Order Inquiry has the following sql

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT sorder.order_no,
                    sorder.deliver_to) FROM 0_sales_orders as sorder, 0_sales_order_details as line, 0_debtors_master as debtor, 0_cust_branch as branch
          WHERE (sorder.order_no = line.order_no
            AND sorder.trans_type = line.trans_type
            AND sorder.trans_type = '32'
            AND sorder.debtor_no = debtor.debtor_no
            AND sorder.branch_code = branch.branch_code
            AND debtor.debtor_no = branch.debtor_no AND sorder.ord_date >= '2014-11-12' AND sorder.ord_date <= '2014-12-13' AND sorder.delivery_date >= '2014-12-12' AND line.qty_sent=0)

It is filtering on delivery_date and as this date can not be set as a filter no quotes are displayed.

Is there a fix for this?




(6 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Found it!!!


CREATE TABLE `0_debtors_master` (
  `debtor_no` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `address` tinytext,
  `tax_id` varchar(55) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `curr_code` char(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `sales_type` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
  `dimension_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `dimension2_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `credit_status` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `payment_terms` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `discount` double NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `pymt_discount` double NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `credit_limit` float NOT NULL DEFAULT '1000',
  `notes` tinytext,
  `inactive` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `debtor_ref` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`debtor_no`),
  UNIQUE KEY `debtor_ref` (`debtor_ref`),
  KEY `name` (`name`)

I have not checked any other chart of accounts.
