Ok  I will check this.
But So,
If I'm right it's only at start-up that you can select your COA?
because when trying to update the COA of my current FA company it wasn't working.
i'll keep you in touch.

regards and thank you for your help smile

Hi Apmuthu,
I don't see in your unofficial repo the be_nl COA,... now somebody can may be confirm me that the code are the same in holland and in belgium. that I don't know.

Meanwhile i'm evaluating the solution to go for odoo (openerp) it seems a super followed project and all setup for belgium already exist.

Hi TM,
I don't mind update the Belgium Dutch COA version, But I just need to know where I can find it...Is it on the sourceforge repo somewhere?
or is it the Dutch from Netherlands COA version (this one is available)

ps: I still don't know how can I activate this COA...?? Help will be welcome.

Thank you,

Hi kvvaradha,
and thanks for your reply.
I found in the setup the download section for the french. it doesn't seem to download the french language pack and install it.
But language is not the problem.

about the COA I only see a zip file on the sourceforge.
From this link,

I seem to understand that it's a sql file under the /sql folder from the FA zip. Is it correct?

DO I have to update a sql db file in order to follow the Belgium COA, or there is a belgium COA I did not find?


I'm running a small business, and I think FA will be my Accounting solution.
I'm just curious to know if it exist some config file to upload to get the system configured for a defined country.
IN my case... Belgium (french).

Having the inferface in english doesn't matter, but my accountant friend noticed that the accouting code aren't the same for belgium than for the basic install

Is it linked with the language file config file?

If it doesn't exist from Belgium I don't mind to create it.
