It happens to return items both directions from our customers and we return items to our suppliers for different reasons.

How to handle with FrontAccounting?

Hi there,

I need to clear all transactions and prepare for use.

Tell us how to check, if we have forget any transaction and it will broke our reports.

Should we delete Fiscal periods!?

What is best for this?

Thank you,


(3 replies, posted in Reporting)

It is very important for me to find the history of item because i have a case like:

If there are 20 businesses (A,B,C,...) and and 100 Items then there are some rebates for some of articles if the clients approach the goal.

If there is no Item History Report then I must browse every single Invoice!

If you can add this report I will appreciate,
Thank you


(3 replies, posted in Reporting)

Hi there,

Is there a report to show ITEM HISTORY please!?

Thank you,

apmuthu wrote:

10 Invoices smile

Check out some UK VAT Invoice topics.

10 invocies ahhahah good idea,
Thanks for UK VAT
I'm looking for these

Hi there,

If I'm selling 10 articles and there are different TAX, then how to to tell my clients article tax?

I need to print near the price the TAX value (invoice).

Thank you,


(4 replies, posted in Wish List)

Yes this is important report and this must be and for purchases to, not just for sale.
Thank you

But how to implement together - Frontaccounting with POSper

thank you


(1 replies, posted in Reporting)

Hi there,

In my country there are some (fiscal printers) and these printers will print the receipt (dimensions 57mmx...)
The printer waits to get invoice from a folder p.s (c:\temp\bill01.txt).

How to print on Bill01.txt?

in this format

Item name; quantity; selling price; TaxGroup; amoount;


coca cola; 10; 0.50; 2; 5;

Thank you,

It looks great,



(6 replies, posted in Setup)

Thank you apmuthu
It was so useful.


(6 replies, posted in Setup)

Hi Sir,

If I want to sell something to a client and in FRONTACCOUNT are more than 2,500 clients, then what is the best way to search/filter the clients?

Every client in my country has a Unique Fiskal Number, they may have same name.

the same issue for items if there are 30,000 items, we need filter to choose the correct one.


There is only one TAX option, and In these cases I have more than three (EXCISE, Custom Tax 10, TAX 16%).

In my country there are some software ca do that but they cost a lot.


Does anyone has the same issue?

Thank you

I try GRN but there is no EXCISE options and there is no Customs TAX.

There is just item TAX.

I don't know what to do.


In fact I'm trying Frontaccounting and Openmiracle, I don't know how to handle that.

my problem:
If I buy something from Germany and Import in Kosovo then the price for that car in Germany is 2,000 euro.

When I import that car in Kosovo, our customers will add value they will say:
invoice price = 2,000 euro
excise = 1,000 euro
custom tax 10% = (2,000 + 1,000)*1.10 =  3,300
TAX 16% = 3,300 *1.16 = 3,828

Hi Sir,

How to handle purchases from outside of country?

look the screenshot of a sample:

Hi there,

Can you please let me know,
How to add Different Delivery Addresses!?

One of my client has more than 10 addresses but only one "Business Name" and unique "Fiscal Number".

When I send goods I need to specify the address of delivery.

I like FrontAccount to remember all addresses of a specific client, then I like to have reports for based on addresses.

best regards,

In our country when you make an invoce, then if cilent is ABC you must print on invoice these info:
Business Number
Fiscal Number
Tax VAT Number.

How to create FIELDS for all of these info?

Please !!!

This is really useful:

cambell wrote:

Or a bootstrap like typeahead like this one might work well.

Hi there,

There is no COA of Albanian!

I'm ready to collect information to add that.

Can anyone help me to start?
How to add new COA?


(2 replies, posted in Installation)

Hi there,

I try to translate Albanian language with POEDIT software (sq_AL) but it is not working.
Can you please add Albanian language and I will finish my translate?

look the screenshot:

sq_AL    Albanian    Albania    ISO-8859-2


(6 replies, posted in Installation)


I try to change the language but id is not working.

Please checks is it working in the latest version!?

I try in this way:
1. Login as administrator to the default company
2. Setup - Install/Update Languages and I have put different language from english.
3. Setup - User Accounts Setup - Language and I have seen there is a new language selected
4. Preferences - Language - ( there is also new language)
6. I logout and Login again but there is no change it is again english.

Please help ....