guys please can you help me

FA 2.4.7
MySQL 5.1.73
PHP 7.1.30

all my items are service items

Show Item Codes - ticked

having an issue with creating a direct invoice

in Direct Invoice, when i do " * for all " in Item Code i get NOTHING. No Items are showing to add an item to invoice

any help greatly appreciated

I am using FA 236

How do I get a Printout of all My Listed Items that have been entered into the FA Database Including The Item Categories of the Items Listed.

EG: If you go to Items/Inventory/Items and then you get to a Drop down List of all your Items and the Item Categories.

All I want is a Printout of all the Items with the Item Categories.

How do I do this?

Any help greatly appreciated

/Joe thanks for your help

My Problem is that I am using the South Africa COA, for " Tax Types " in my GL Account there is NO " Sales GL Account 1060 and Purchase GL Account 1060 " Option.

Now I know that this is because you are using the American Standard so I am trying to Find out what Sales GL Account and Purchasing GL Account I must choose for South Africa.

Any help greatly appreciated.

sorry for the noob questions, i am not an accountant.

Please anybody can you explain to the noob how to get taxation to be setup for FA236

I have a Brand New Shiny FA236 Installed on my Server

I only require ONE Tax of 14% to be used for both purchases and sales

Now how do you do this in:
1. Taxes
2. Tax Groups
3. Item Tax Types

Then I need to CLOSE and REMOVE the Following Fiscal years
01/03/2009     28/02/2010
01/03/2010     28/02/2011

When i try to remove Fiscal Year 01/03/2009 - 28/02/2010 I get an Error:
" The Retained Earnings Account should be a Balance Account or the Profit and Loss Year Account should be an Expense Account (preferred the last one in the Expense Class) "

any help greatly appreciated


(3 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

Janusz thanks for your help

how do i now allocate payments for the client to show on the client's statement when payments were made

thanks again, much appreciated

i changed the client's payment terms to 30 days - no problems
created a new invoice - no problems
checked statement - no problems
now when i go " Reports and Analysis / Print Invoices  " the system simply does not show anything. no error

when i try to allocate a payment it still will not allow me to do so

any ideas, please i urgently require the system to make payments as i need to send out statements asap

one more thing. i noticed that in my " Fiscal Years " i have three years being:
Fiscal Year Begin     Fiscal Year End     Closed        
01/03/2009                       28/02/2010           No
01/03/2010                       28/02/2011               No
01/03/2011                       29/02/2012               No

when i try to close to top two the system simply does nothing


(3 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

hope you guys can help

installed and using fa 2.35

when i try to allocate a payment it does not seem to update as the screen does not refresh saying that the payment has been made.

when i check the client's statement the payment does not reflect

any ideas what i need to do?

thanks again for a great product


(14 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

hi joe hope you can help

using fa 2.35

when i try to allocate a payment it does not seem to update as the screen does not refresh saying that the payment has been made.

when i check the client's statement the payment does not reflect

any ideas what i need to do?

thanks again for a great product


(40 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

thanks for the help guys

i am only using company 0

there is only a single company on the mysql database

now what ?


(40 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

thanks itronics

i used phpmyadmin and issued the command after i made a backup.
i then went into the system and made an invoice. right after placing the invoice i get

" Cannot retrieve exchange rate for currency as of 01/04/2009. Please add exchange rate manually on Exchange Rates page "

what now?


(40 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

itronics thanks for your reply

i'm sorry for the noob question but do i need to edit every single client in phpmyadmin or is there a way to implement your solution of " UPDATE 0_debtors_master, 0_company SET 0_debtors_master.curr_code=0_company.curr_default; " by implementing this in a script. how do i do this

thanks again


(40 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

itronics thanks for the reply

i think my problem is that my currency of my system is not the same name as the clients currency name. i need to know what file(s) do i edit to change the currency name for my clients setup in the mysql database.

thanks again


(40 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

please help i am having the same problem. what must i do to sort this out to do invoicing. i urgently need to invoice a client and i get this currency problem all the time. i am only using a single currency for all invoices.

thanks for the help.

ploblem solved. however i now seem to have another problem (fa 2.1.1 - linux)

when i use ie7 and try to print an invoice/statement to pdf or send via email the browser doesn't do anything. i can in firefox print an invoice/statement to pdf without any problems but not print it to email an invoice/statement. nothing happens in ie or firefox whan i choose to send the invoice/statement via email to the prospective client.

any ideas.


(2 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

itronics thanks for the help.

ploblem solved. however i now seem to have another problem (fa 2.1.1 - linux)

when i use ie7 and try to print an invoice/statement to pdf or send via email the browser doesn't do anything. i can in firefox print an invoice/statement to pdf without any problems but not print it to email an invoice/statement. nothing happens in ie or firefox whan i choose to send the invoice/statement via email to the prospective client.

any ideas.


(2 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Hi Joe

When I create an Invoice for a Client I get the Following Error

" Cannot retrieve exchange rate for currency as of 17/04/2009. Please add
exchange rate manually on Exchange Rates page. "

When I look at the Client's Statement I see that a Credit was Passed for the Invoice that I just Created.

Any Help Greatly Appreciated

thanks for the quick reply joe

much appreaciated

frontaccounting rules

Hi Joe

I'm running on 2.1.1. (upgraded from 2.07 to 2.1.1)

When I create a new invoice for work done for a specific Branch for a Client that has a Few Branches, the Printout of the PDF or Printed Invoice Only SHows the Clients Invoiced Branch Address Details and Not The Clients Company Name and Branch Details for that Invoice that I created.

ie. If clients Comapny Name is: AIG and there are 5 Branches of the Client then the Invoice Printout will Only Print the Branch Details (Address of Branch) and Not AIG and Branch Address.

In my Customer Branch setup for say AIG I have the Branch Name ie. New York, Dallas etc. and the Address and Conrtact Details for the Branches etc.

Am I doing Something Wrong?
Any Ideas

Thanks for the info Joe

Problem is that it has been Used Once

Now what?

Hi Guys

I am Trying to Change an Item Type from " Manufactured " to " Service " for a Service Item that I Created as I made a Mistake by Creating the Item without choosing " Service "

How do I do this ?

Thanks for the Link itronics

Everything Works Great Now big_smile

Thanks for your reply itronics

Please upload latest version of this file from CVS

Where is the Download Link ? big_smile

Thanks for your reply itronics.

That's just the thing. When I create any New Item I cannot seem to choose the " Item Type " to " Service " as it diverts back to " Manufactured " Automatically.

I have changed  " stock_master.mb_flag " to " D" but nothing seems to have changed. Do I need to Reboot the Server or send a Command Line Update for the MySQL Database?

It's month end and I need to get this done A.S.A.P.

Any Ideas yikes

Hi Joe

Using FA 2.02 on Linux Box

I'm trying to create an Invoice with an Item that I added and this is the Error I get:

" The delivery cannot be processed because there is an insufficient quantity for item: MDEIR - Electrical Installation and or Repairs - Quantity On Hand = 0 "

What do I do ?

Please HELP


(1 replies, posted in Installation)

Hi Joe

When I go to "Items and Inventory / Item Categories " I see that my Categories are not in Alphabetical Order. Any Ideas on getting this Sorted ?

Thanks for the Update


Hi Joe

Please help I'm Stuck.

When I go to " Customer and Sales Reports / Customer / Print Invoices Credit Notes " and I choose " From (Say Invoice 50IV) To (Say Invoice 37IV) and I choose " email customers " Whan I Press the " Display: Print Invoices/Credit Notes" I get a BLANK Form Displaying on my Screen with NO Information.

If I just Choose ONE Invoice to Print it Does Display the Email Sent Message.

What Now?

I need to Email All my Invoices and All Statements A.S.A.P.

I can send my Invoices One by One but it will take some Time.

By the way I have not Changed ANY Settings on ANY PHP Forms. My Mail Server works Fine.

Hope you can Help.


Ok got this Working One Way.

When you choose an Invoice/Credit Note to Print you have to Choose from Lowest Invoice/Credit Notes Number to Highest Invoice/Credit Notes Number ie.

Print or Email from say Invoice 25 to Invoice 34 and NOT Invoice 34 to Invoice 25.
Makes sense I guess

Sorry Joe my Mistake.

Is it Possible to Choose ALL of One Client's Invoices or Credit Notes to Print or Email via PDF? How
