When i check Annual Balance Breakdown - Detailed and Annual Expense Breakdown - Detailed with dimension two enabled.Both through PARAM_4 undefined error. Than i checked the reports_custom.php for both.  and i found that the dimension things are missing there.

here is it.

Annual Balance Breakdown - Detailed

global $reports, $dim;

$dim = get_company_pref('use_dimension');

if($dim == 2 ) {
    $reports->addReport(RC_GL,"_annual_balance_breakdown",_('Annual &Balance Breakdown - Detailed'),
       array(  _('Report Period') => 'DATEENDM',
                       _('Dimension') => 'DIMENSIONS1',
                       _('Dimension 2') => 'DIMENSIONS2',
                       _('Comments') => 'TEXTBOX',
                       _('Destination') => 'DESTINATION'));
} elseif($dim == 1) {
$reports->addReport(RC_GL,"_annual_balance_breakdown",_('Annual &Balance Breakdown - Detailed'),
       array(  _('Report Period') => 'DATEENDM',
                       _('Dimension') => 'DIMENSIONS1',
                       _('Comments') => 'TEXTBOX',
                       _('Destination') => 'DESTINATION'));
} else {
    $reports->addReport(RC_GL,"_annual_balance_breakdown",_('Annual &Balance Breakdown - Detailed'),
       array(  _('Report Period') => 'DATEENDM',                      
                       _('Comments') => 'TEXTBOX',
                       _('Destination') => 'DESTINATION'));

Annual Expense Breakdown - Detailed

global $reports, $dim;

$dim = get_company_pref('use_dimension');

if($dim == 2 ) {
    $reports->addReport(RC_GL,"_annual_expense_breakdown",_('Annual &Expense Breakdown - Detailed'),
       array(  _('Report Period') => 'DATEENDM',
                       _('Dimension') => 'DIMENSIONS1',
                       _('Dimension 2') => 'DIMENSIONS2',
                       _('Comments') => 'TEXTBOX',
                       _('Destination') => 'DESTINATION'));    
} elseif($dim == 1) {
    $reports->addReport(RC_GL,"_annual_expense_breakdown",_('Annual &Expense Breakdown - Detailed'),
       array(  _('Report Period') => 'DATEENDM',
                       _('Dimension') => 'DIMENSIONS1',
                       _('Comments') => 'TEXTBOX',
                       _('Destination') => 'DESTINATION'));
} else {
    $reports->addReport(RC_GL,"_annual_expense_breakdown",_('Annual &Expense Breakdown - Detailed'),
       array(  _('Report Period') => 'DATEENDM',                      
                       _('Comments') => 'TEXTBOX',
                       _('Destination') => 'DESTINATION'));

@joe - check this and update it on repository


(36 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

@anoopmb - I have tested your auto complete.  Its working well. You have done a  great job. There is one suggestion from my side.
When It comes with large list of options in select. Like more than 1000 items in the list. It will freeze the system for a while and will go on.

So if possible rewrite it to perform Ajax call and get results from server. By default you can show 20, items in the list. Rest should not be added to the list. When user start typing the related items should show here.


(36 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

@boxygen - you can use a software named ", Meld" ,it's available for Linux, windows and OS x. Can see the file differences if you compare the files with default core. You can get difference from it . Hope it helps you


(5 replies, posted in Setup)

When you see an error . Copy the error to here. We will assist you further . If possible enable Debugging mode and get us the proper error msg from our system


(11 replies, posted in Reporting)

This is nice one. @joe add it to the stable download . So new downloads will get the feature


(20 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Exchange-rates.org is absolutely fine one.  It supports major 30 currencies in the world. But we have FA users from many small countries. We need to look up them as well.

So what I am suggesting is to adapt one more exchange rate provider. https://currencylayer.com or fixer.io to work on 168 currencies. They allow 1000 request per month for free of cost .  I hope that's more than enough for them. Because we keep existing exchange rates for next requests. So let's provide them one more as well. Also we can provide them functionality to go premium to get extra. But that's their choice. Hope Joe and janusz will think of it..


(6 replies, posted in Setup)

Almost responsive themes available, But sofar no proper andriod application created to use FA


(8 replies, posted in Installation)

You might require a server with 8gm ram, and 512gb SSD and Intel Xeon E3 Processor or more than that.

Basically you need server  like Dell flagship or ibm series  to handle 100  concurrent users


(82 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

@notrinos -. We need to write a class like hooks. We can allow the developers to add their widget to dashboard.  And also we need to keep a format for chart and graphs. We can also display tables in it. All we need to extend the methods inside hooks class to add widgets or we need new class to handle it


(4 replies, posted in Setup)

If you have cpanel. Take backup from cpanel->backups.

If it's direct and Raw server. You can use MySQL dump for this

It's capable to do it with in FA itself like apmuthu said.

Just make an extension with complete sales module. Just open the sales_order_ui.inc and make the customers list allow it to select multiple customers. And change the customers session to be an array in cart class. Than add_sales_order contains the details of sales cart and customers. Just create Loop to fetch it

@apmuthu, its a mandatory parameter to get_balance function.  so he has to add it without checking whether the account code null or not.

@emiangel -  You can do it simply by adding this one.

    WHERE trans.account=coa.account_code  

Here add it like this

    WHERE trans.account=coa.account_code AND trans.account=".db_escape($account)." 

Hope it connects the account code and gets what you needed

@poncho - I clarified his doubts. Actually, he missed to configure the Sales Types either included or not for the tax .

And other facts,that he set as per my article. FrontAccounting Working with Taxes

Glad to hear.

Recently I found one more report issue, The gl_trans table does not store the supplier id.  May be I didn't check the reason much.  But from the GL Accounts Transactions report, the supplier name is missing for GRN rows.

So it can be fixed by just changing it  commit

@joe look into it.

I didnt check supplier balances. Please test it and apply the fix if necessary.

 SELECT SUM(amount), account_name FROM 0_gl_trans, 0_chart_master WHERE 0_gl_trans.account=0_chart_master.account_code GROUP BY account 

hope this query satisfy your needs.

I have tried both official stable and unstable recent snapshot. Both gives the same error,

For Your understanding i have a screenshot of both journal entry. and the customer payment. What happens is in the screenshot


check the last column(Outstanding) and due to it the grand total is also affecting.

@joe  - Review and feedback it.

When we create a journal entry for customer opening balance. and when i open the customer balances report. The outstanding is not added there. And than i made payment to the journal entry through customer payments page. After that i see, that the outstanding balance is increased wth the payment amount.  So i had a look into rep101.php

And i found one things, which is showing the wrong data there. 

if ( $trans['type'] == ST_SALESINVOICE || $trans['type'] == ST_BANKPAYMENT) 

which should be like this

if ($trans['type'] == ST_JOURNAL || $trans['type'] == ST_SALESINVOICE || $trans['type'] == ST_BANKPAYMENT) 

I mean include the journal passing entries to be here. 

Hope it fixes the issue

Still we are not clear what you are asking, receivables and payables are just balances of sales and purchase.

You know what, apmuthu already said, the trail balance has what you want. So why dont you check the trail balance queries to program it.

From the image, itself you are giving confusions.  I am not sure what you looking.

Check my LTE theme demo dashboard bottom " Class Balances" Table. I have shown such a things i guess.

@emiangel839 - Regarding your comment on my site. here I answered you with the query. 

 $today = Today();
    $begin = begin_fiscalyear();
    $begin1 = date2sql($begin);
    $today1 = date2sql($today);
    $sql = "SELECT SUM(amount) AS total, c.class_name, c.ctype FROM
        ".TB_PREF."gl_trans,".TB_PREF."chart_master AS a, ".TB_PREF."chart_types AS t, 
        ".TB_PREF."chart_class AS c WHERE
        account = a.account_code AND a.account_type = t.id AND t.class_id = c.cid AND c.cid=1 
        AND IF(c.ctype > 3, tran_date >= '$begin1', tran_date >= '0000-00-00') 
        AND tran_date <= '$today1'  ORDER BY c.cid"; 
    $result = db_query($sql, "Transactions could not be calculated");

hope it helps you

@andijani - you are right, the batch allows to oversold 10 from Batch A. Which needs to change the default delivery of FA. Looking to make something different from the default customer delivery,like quantities from different batches,we need to select the product from the drop down.

Sorry its not available to test it locally.


(52 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

@poncho -  If you are really interested to bring the custom fields. We have to make changes in the core to allow it to add additional fields.  Instead of making it as extension.  Try to make it within core. and get the difference of file with help of git difference. So it would be added to the core in next release of FA2.5.

Hope it sounds good. Also @joe waiting to hear your thoughts before he start working inside core.

we are ready to make this one.


(2 replies, posted in Setup)

@pratik.kamble - You are not in default company i think. The default first company Administrator has the right to Create companies, install modules, languages. So login to Default first company and get full rights to create companies.