Implementation of FrontAccounting does not take much time. But make it suitable to your company needs will take time.  Basically you need expert advice for each step of changes and development you required.

anoopmb wrote:


sorry mistakenly uploaded non-ajax version

here is the download link again


@anoopmb - This is what i asked, This is awesome.  i have tested your program, it works fine.

I found one thing was missing from the core. Let me tel you here.

From sales invoice page,or items page. you can see a textbox before the drop down. When we type the item code like say for example if i type 101 with default US coa. it will get us first item automatically in the drop down. This you have override it. i mean its not working either in your auto complete and ajax auto complete versions.

While taking one step forward, we dont need that feature, if we can type the stock id to get the product in the list.

I mean, if you enable it to check the stock id for items, debtor no for customers, supplier id for suppliers to get the list working.  If you add it like this, i guess it would be perfect replace for the existing textbox item code search, and popup search box. quite simple textbox will filter the product from the list, whether its 1,00,000 or more than that, we dont need to worry,  FA will handle the items.

Once again, its a great job @Anoopmb. Congrats for the bold step to change the core concept.

The other chart of accounts are from your repository. So it can be override the year change for me is not easy.

May be we can write a override program to update the years in all chart of accounts.

anoopmb wrote:

I didnt get it

I mean, the ajax driven autocomplete means, when a FA has more than 1,00,000 customers. and when a user has to pick a right customer is from the drop down is complicated. So your auto complete helps to get it from the list.  But the problem is , the select list loads all the 1,00,000 customers in the list. So the FA freezes in its page load and its operations. So, when the customers list renders, it should show the most recent 10 customers in the list.  When the salesman starts typing the customer name, it should bring the filtered results from the server to narrow down the search and by the way it will not freeze or hang the invoice page.

The samething i already explained in your another topic which talks about autocomplete.

So i thought this one handles such a thing.

@anoopmb I have tested your code. it creates "popups" each key i type.

Like it creates like this " popups popups popups popups popups popups popups popups popups popups popups popups popups popups popups" .

<div class=" popups popups popups popups popups popups popups popups popups popups popups popups popups popups popups" style="position: fixed; left: 267.5px; top: 174px; width: 169px; display: none;"><div class="lister"><ul class="mselect-rset"><li title="" class=" anoselect" id="1">Donald Easter</li><li title="" class=" anoselect" id="2">MoneyMaker&nbsp;-&nbsp;EUR</li><li title="" class=" aselected" id="3">Varadha</li></ul></div></div>

Kindly fix it. also the Ajax concept i didnt understand. it brings all the elements in the customers when i see.

@joe, the demo and fresh sql files has 2017 data's. We need to refresh the dates with 2019 and also fiscal year also 2018. we need to allow them to see 2019 on both default SQL files with current year. So the new users wont get confusions.


(13 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Invoice Edit option is available.  But you can't edit the price, here its showing it to alter the quantity only. Which is also retricted certain way.

May be @joe, @janusz can tell you exactly, why they are preventing to edit the invoice.

If you wish to see the edit invoice, take a look at there .

Hope you can change the invoice number and see it. Goodluck


(82 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Yes ofcourse, But when i try, i got this error

Undefined variable: title in file: /var/www/246/reporting/includes/ at line 233


(82 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

@notrinos - Show us a demo from your work.

you need to close the previous fiscal years by going to "Setup->Fiscal Years" there edit the preivous year and close will create the opening balance of current year.

@joe, You are right. Lets wait for @notrinos theme and poll it.

May be. Are you interested to take this theme to core?

Logo also i have edited.

Alright @joe,
That's also fine idea.

And also i updated the theme and color of icons also i have changed from true black.   You can take a look at there and feedback me further,

@joe i demoed all the three themes and the login page also looking better now.  I can see the flatcolor theme is redirecting to show the dashboard of selected module. its better load the dashboard module link instead of the page link. Because its redirecting, so taking sometime for slow servers.

Regarding the login page brought to themes directory

We can do it like this. on the /access/login.php

we will put this code before ui file include.

$def_theme = "default";

if(file_exists($path_to_root . "/themes/$def_theme/login.php"))
    include_once($path_to_root . "/themes/$def_theme/login.php");

Here the users can change the theme name here. which will bring the theme's login file.if the first not exist. than it will be loaded this login.php.

may be we need to set this for three files, login, logout, and password reset

That's nice to see. 

@apmuthu,actually if you open another date picker, its outside of current one. So the already opened date picker will be closed before opens the new one.

I guess that wont be much difficult for the users to work on.

@Apmuthu, i cant see such a login page problems. but i think may be its viewport issue  now i added this tag,

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

Hope that fixed for login page. and menu height also reduced a bit.

The icons color will be updated soon,

We normally seen other date pickers,which actually close when we click outside of the date picker.

So i thought to implement the same here in our FA with js. So just tried this and it works fine. Hope it will be good for users, if you commit it to core.

window.addEventListener('click', function(e){   
  if (document.getElementById('CC').contains({} else{
   if (cC.visible()) {

Append this code to date_picker.js file,which actually created from

@joe, I was a bit busy last few days, Let me fix them and update you soon.

i just gone through your themes, demo, i think login page is also missing,  when you change the ui within the main area, change the login page as well.

Let's see @notrinos update.

@boxygen, The bootstrap is another framework and we need to load the files locally. FA always prefers to go without other frameworks and without internet as well.  So i kept this point in my mind and just revamped the UI of Default theme.

Hello @joe and other senior members,

Happy New Year. I tried to update the default FA theme with a bit clear and with different sent of icons.

Few things i collected from different sites. which are

Icons ->
Loading icons ->

Other than that I tried myself best with default theme update as of joe's previous post regarding modernizing the default theme.

Here is demo

FA Default theme

Username : invoice
Password : 123456

I am waiting for feedback.

Happy New year to all the active community members and main contributors .

@joe , @apmuthu,  Happy New year buddies

also check the Cash flow Statement. Same issue, update that too,

When i check Annual Balance Breakdown - Detailed and Annual Expense Breakdown - Detailed with dimension two enabled.Both through PARAM_4 undefined error. Than i checked the reports_custom.php for both.  and i found that the dimension things are missing there.

here is it.

Annual Balance Breakdown - Detailed

global $reports, $dim;

$dim = get_company_pref('use_dimension');

if($dim == 2 ) {
    $reports->addReport(RC_GL,"_annual_balance_breakdown",_('Annual &Balance Breakdown - Detailed'),
       array(  _('Report Period') => 'DATEENDM',
                       _('Dimension') => 'DIMENSIONS1',
                       _('Dimension 2') => 'DIMENSIONS2',
                       _('Comments') => 'TEXTBOX',
                       _('Destination') => 'DESTINATION'));
} elseif($dim == 1) {
$reports->addReport(RC_GL,"_annual_balance_breakdown",_('Annual &Balance Breakdown - Detailed'),
       array(  _('Report Period') => 'DATEENDM',
                       _('Dimension') => 'DIMENSIONS1',
                       _('Comments') => 'TEXTBOX',
                       _('Destination') => 'DESTINATION'));
} else {
    $reports->addReport(RC_GL,"_annual_balance_breakdown",_('Annual &Balance Breakdown - Detailed'),
       array(  _('Report Period') => 'DATEENDM',                      
                       _('Comments') => 'TEXTBOX',
                       _('Destination') => 'DESTINATION'));

Annual Expense Breakdown - Detailed

global $reports, $dim;

$dim = get_company_pref('use_dimension');

if($dim == 2 ) {
    $reports->addReport(RC_GL,"_annual_expense_breakdown",_('Annual &Expense Breakdown - Detailed'),
       array(  _('Report Period') => 'DATEENDM',
                       _('Dimension') => 'DIMENSIONS1',
                       _('Dimension 2') => 'DIMENSIONS2',
                       _('Comments') => 'TEXTBOX',
                       _('Destination') => 'DESTINATION'));    
} elseif($dim == 1) {
    $reports->addReport(RC_GL,"_annual_expense_breakdown",_('Annual &Expense Breakdown - Detailed'),
       array(  _('Report Period') => 'DATEENDM',
                       _('Dimension') => 'DIMENSIONS1',
                       _('Comments') => 'TEXTBOX',
                       _('Destination') => 'DESTINATION'));
} else {
    $reports->addReport(RC_GL,"_annual_expense_breakdown",_('Annual &Expense Breakdown - Detailed'),
       array(  _('Report Period') => 'DATEENDM',                      
                       _('Comments') => 'TEXTBOX',
                       _('Destination') => 'DESTINATION'));

@joe - check this and update it on repository


(36 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

@anoopmb - I have tested your auto complete.  Its working well. You have done a  great job. There is one suggestion from my side.
When It comes with large list of options in select. Like more than 1000 items in the list. It will freeze the system for a while and will go on.

So if possible rewrite it to perform Ajax call and get results from server. By default you can show 20, items in the list. Rest should not be added to the list. When user start typing the related items should show here.


(36 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

@boxygen - you can use a software named ", Meld" ,it's available for Linux, windows and OS x. Can see the file differences if you compare the files with default core. You can get difference from it . Hope it helps you