I'm using the default theme.

But I notice the problem occurs with the other themes as well.



(5 replies, posted in Setup)

Great, thanks!


(5 replies, posted in Setup)

Thanks for the response.

If possible, we'd like to do this in the User Interface.

If I am allowed to ask a customization question here, I'd also like to ask for your thoughts in modifying the file in sales / manages / customers.php

Specifically Line 241, where it checks the condition:

if (!$selected_id || is_new_customer($selected_id))

If we implement a code that checks if there are no transactions yet for this customer, then shows the currency dropdown list. Is this a sound concept?

Write the function is_notransaction_customer() and change the above code to:

if (!$selected_id || is_new_customer($selected_id) || is_notransaction_customer($selected_id) )

Appreciate your thoughts.



I noticed that most of the menu items on the screen including top level ones like 'Sales', 'Purchases', 'Banking and General Ledger', etc. stop being clickable after a while of loading the web page.

Nothing happens when I try to click on these links with the mouse. But hotkeys still work though. So the 'Sales' tab remains accessible by pressing Alt S.

The problem goes away when I hit refresh, but quickly recurs after a while.

Problem occurs in both Google Chrome and Firefox. I am using Ubuntu Linux 12.04 desktop. Tried to check if there was a javascript error by looking at the browser debug screen, but nothing shows up there.

Any ideas why this could be happening?



(5 replies, posted in Setup)


First of all, congratulations on a great product!

My question: often we do not know the currency that a customer wants to use at the time when we create the customer record in FrontAccounting.

Is there a way to change the customer's currency after the customer has been created? Assuming no other transactions have been inputted yet for that customer.

I tried looking at Sales > Add and Manage Customers > General Settings > Customer's Currency (field).

But for existing customers, this is no longer editable.

Thank you,