I am using version 2.3.19 on a Ubuntu 64 bit machine. When attempting to open a voided customer payment, I get the following:
DATABASE ERROR : no debtor trans found for given params
sql that failed was : SELECT trans.*,ov_amount+ov_gst+ov_freight+ov_freight_tax+ov_discount AS Total,cust.name AS DebtorName, cust.address, cust.curr_code, cust.tax_id, com.memo_,bank_act,1_bank_accounts.bank_name, 1_bank_accounts.bank_account_name, 1_bank_accounts.account_type AS BankTransType, 1_bank_accounts.bank_curr_code, 1_bank_trans.amount as bank_amount FROM 1_debtor_trans trans LEFT JOIN 1_comments com ON trans.type=com.type AND trans.trans_no=com.id LEFT JOIN 1_shippers ON 1_shippers.shipper_id=trans.ship_via, 1_debtors_master cust, 1_bank_trans, 1_bank_accounts WHERE trans.trans_no='11' AND trans.type='12' AND trans.debtor_no=cust.debtor_no AND 1_bank_trans.trans_no ='11' AND 1_bank_trans.type=12 AND 1_bank_trans.amount != 0 AND 1_bank_accounts.id=1_bank_trans.bank_act
I voided this payment after voiding a sales invoice sucessfully. I was able to void the referenced customer payment and it now shows Debit of 0.00. It is just that if I try to look at the transaction that I get the DATABASE ERROR message. I am able to open the voided Sales Invoice and associated Delivery Note just fine.