I am using version 2.3.19 on a Ubuntu 64 bit machine. When attempting to open a voided customer payment, I get the following:

DATABASE ERROR : no debtor trans found for given params
sql that failed was : SELECT trans.*,ov_amount+ov_gst+ov_freight+ov_freight_tax+ov_discount AS Total,cust.name AS DebtorName, cust.address, cust.curr_code, cust.tax_id, com.memo_,bank_act,1_bank_accounts.bank_name, 1_bank_accounts.bank_account_name, 1_bank_accounts.account_type AS BankTransType, 1_bank_accounts.bank_curr_code, 1_bank_trans.amount as bank_amount FROM 1_debtor_trans trans LEFT JOIN 1_comments com ON trans.type=com.type AND trans.trans_no=com.id LEFT JOIN 1_shippers ON 1_shippers.shipper_id=trans.ship_via, 1_debtors_master cust, 1_bank_trans, 1_bank_accounts WHERE trans.trans_no='11' AND trans.type='12' AND trans.debtor_no=cust.debtor_no AND 1_bank_trans.trans_no ='11' AND 1_bank_trans.type=12 AND 1_bank_trans.amount != 0 AND 1_bank_accounts.id=1_bank_trans.bank_act

I voided this payment after voiding a sales invoice sucessfully. I was able to void the referenced customer payment and it now shows Debit of 0.00. It is just that if I try to look at the transaction that I get the DATABASE ERROR message. I am able to open the voided Sales Invoice and associated Delivery Note just fine.


My install of FrontAccounting is working correctly from a Arabic language perspective - at least when viewing in FA and generating PDF reports.

I am running with an English user interface but want (and can) enter Arabic characters. They appear correctly on subsequent access to the same pages - for example looking at Customer Name and Address fields they appear correct. The problem is that when looking at these fields in MySQL using Workbench, the Arabic characters are not Arabic characters at all! I want to access these fields with some PHP/MySQL pages that I am writing but the data is all wrong for the Arabic characters (but correct for the English characters).

Example: In FA, the Address field for a customer reads >> Greenridge Drive ﻹاه س هس سخةثفاهىل
But in MySQL, the content of the address field reads >> Greenridge Drive ﻹاه س هس سخةثفاهىل

Does the fact that Arabic is a R to L language have anything to do with this?

I am running Linux Ubuntu.
My file at ../lang/installed_languages.inc  includes the following:
$installed_languages = array (
  0 =>
  array (
    'code' => 'C',
    'name' => 'English',
    'encoding' => 'utf-8',

The MySQL database is running InnoDB and I am using utf8 - default collation

Can someone tell me how to have the correct Arabic characters show in MySQL?

Thanks Ray

Thank you Mustafa. Your above suggestion exactly solved my problem!

I tried to leave a message here soon after you left your response however it appears that I posted it incorrectly and it is not showing.

Anyway, I am very pleased.



I have installed FA 2.3.19 on a 64 bit Linux Ubuntu machine and have a few questions about languages. I chose English when doing my initial install but now have added Arabic by doing the actions listed far below.

I am now able to display the FA  user interface in Arabic and English and generate Arabic reports. My problems are as follows:

Firefox follows the <head profile content information and uses  the charset=iso-8859-1 for FA English users. This results in non-readable currency symbols for countries that use an Arabic symbol.
Furthermore, if any text information is inserted by an Arabic user, this is not displayed properly for English users – even if I use a web browser that I can force into UTF-8 encoding. My MySQL database is of Collation utf8 collation.

Is there a way to change the web page header content so that UTF-8 encouding is used even if the user is using English language?

Is there a way for the user interface and reports to show Arabic characters properly even if the user has chosen English language?

In summary, I would like the English user interface to accommodate Arabic characters – both on the screen and in reports.

Below are things I have done.

Modified the  /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local to contain
en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
ar_EG.UTF-8 UTF-8

I did a sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
and restarted MySQL.

I downloaded ar_EG 2.x ar_EG228.zip and placed the .po and .mo files at /var/www/EH_Accounting/lang/ar_EG/LC_MESSAGES and set the owner to www-data

I  downloaded and installed the ae_tholoth.php file

Doing a locale -a results in ar_EG.utf8 and en_US.utf8 among other things.

