(1 replies, posted in Installation)


This might be a silly question...but I have tried everything and can't figure it out.

I am setting up a new company via my Administrator login...I add the password for the new company, but I am never asked what User ID I will assign to it. Obviously, when I logoff as Administrator and try to log in as company A, I can´t log in because frankly, I cannot determine which field of the ones filled out in the Company Creation form I should use.

Is it the company full name as such ?
Is it the MYSQL user or database name ?

Please help !!


Thanks...I only have a question...

When I get a contract, I get 50% advance, the remaunder to be paid upon service completion. Thus, my posting should reflect :

Accounts Receivable 50.00
Cash                       50.00
    Consulting Income          100.00

You got me lost on your "direct invoice" comment...since I'm starting to learn the program, please help me clear this up.

Thanks again,

Gus Collot


I have a consulting business where my accounting results only need to reflect the formula > consulting fees - operational expenses = net income. However, when I try to record my fee (sales) income, the script warns me that I should set up inventory products & prices.

Since I'm the only one that handles this consulting and the fee is dictated by open market and tradition, I do not need to subcontract consulting - thus I don't pay costs of services and the sum of all consulting fees becomes the gross income of my activity.

I wonder if I should create in order to trick the script a product with price = 0 ; however, I would still have to deal with the N° of units, since most probably the script would prevent me to sell something I haven't got in stock.

My question then would be how should I go about setting up this scenario.

Thanks !!

Gus Collot

Well, I have gradually been assimilating FA features...but then, as a newbie, I have perhaps a candid question.

How do you set up a specific currency for a specific company ?

thanks, again.

Although I have FA working in the server, at login page I get this message :

Warning: The first parameter of bindtextdomain must not be empty in /home/www/musica-viajes-y-espacio.com/contabilidad/includes/lang/gettext.php on line 273

Once logged, it disappears, no problem running the show but then I ask myself :

What is this telling me ? What should I do so it wont show anymore ?


(1 replies, posted in Setup)

I just installed FA, I find it quite complete and easy to install. However, I cannot find the way to delete the demo products and categories, so that I can start from scratch adding my own service lines. How do you accomplish this ?