What is your hourly budget? I think it is best to post your budget so that people can check whether it is suitable for them or not. I often got FA modification request that are hard but usually they don't have enough budget. I have experience if FA for 5 years so I my hourly budget is not that  low.


(4 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Anyone has done some modification regarding editable db pager? What I mean with editable is if we click on a row in db pager, the row will change into input field. If I click add button, a new input field will be attached to the last row of the table. I know we can modify this through javascript but maybe we can improve the current db pager to support this? It would be awesome.


(1 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

So, as far as I know, $Ajax->activate is used to update part of the content with content from ajax.
I have seen this is used mainly when filtering or searching like customer and supplier is happening.
Usually I use _page_body because what I understand is it will update the entire page content via ajax.
My question is, can I use other id? I tried to use $Ajax->activate with other table id or div id and it failed. Since then I always use _page_body. How this work? Can I use other element id to be updated via ajax and not entire page?


(5 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

I have done serial number addition in inventory. It is quite complicated.
1. you need to create new database that holds item name, serial number, and number of items.
2. you need to modify or add GRN column to add serial number to the items.
3. you need to modify sales order delivery so that you can choose which serial number item is delivered to customer and then reduce your item number.
4. in inventory, like stock adjustment and item transfer, you need to add serial number selection.

It is opening in my installation. Maybe you can turn on your debug parameter in config.php and see whether any error occur or not.

I want to set manually one of the column width in FA db pager table. I believe this can be done, but I forget how. Can anyone let me know how to do this? My code for the header of the table is like this.

$cols = array(
        _("#") => array('fun'=>'trans_view', 'ord'=>'', 'align'=>'right'), 
        _("Supplier") => array('ord'=>''),
        _("Supplier's Reference"), 
        _("Order Date") => array('name'=>'ord_date', 'type'=>'date', 'ord'=>'desc'),
        _("Currency") => array('align'=>'center'), 
        _("Order Total") => 'amount',

Please email me, bharata1803@gmail.com for your spec, budget, and timeframe


Just want to warn other FA developer not to get job from Mario Hana from Egypt(mariohana19877@gmail.com)

I have finished working with him and he still not paying after more than a month. He will lie that he has transferred money and give a bunch of reason of failed transfer. If he contacted you for project, either refused and block him or ask for money in advance. I am really loss here because I have spent time to work and my promised amount is quite big for me.


So it seems I have a misunderstanding. I will clear a bit. Maybe you can help me now.
1. The data in the database from invoice that I gave the image is broken. So it is the problem in the database. When I create a new invoice with proper input to database, the arabic font is shown. It is both in Windows and Linux. So, in FA, there is no problem anymore.

2. I have a problem in displaying arabic. Even if I change the language to arabic, FA in my windows will only become RTL but the text will be still in english. I think there is some problem in loading the language po/mo file. Can you help me? There is no problem if the server in linux. I think maybe because arabic language support in Windows but I have installed it and it still not showing the arabic text.

rafat wrote:

It helps if you include a screen shot of the report ..if you can.
Since its working with Linux but not Windows.. are you migrating this data into Windows or entering it directly in Windows?
Please make sure that in /reporting/includes/class.pdf.inc has

case "ar_EG" :     $fontname "aealarabiya";     break;


So, it turns out some of the arabic are rendered in windows and some are not. I attached the image. https://i.imgur.com/TcmOtMy.jpg

The arabic text is not from the translation. It is the data. Like customer name and item name. So, I don't think this is po and mo problem. I believe this is windows problem because my laptop using windows 8.1 also cannot display arabic PDF.

rafat wrote:


When you say it failed..do you get any pdf output or the Arabic text is not showing? Is there a Latin text showing?

The arabic text is replaced as some sort of symbol.

So, I have developed report in arabic and it is shown correctly in Linux server. When it is deployed to Windows server, it is failed although I have installed alarabiya font and arabic language pack for windows. I am sure there is nothing wrong in my code because it is shown in Linux. Any method to solve this in Windows?


(7 replies, posted in Reporting)

The source code size is pretty much small. TCPDF is large because it includes font. In my repo, the font files have been removed so it is small now.

Form folder is used to put custom header.

In pdf_report.inc

function NewPage() 
        if ($this->pageNumber==0)
            // check if there is pdf header template for this report
            // and set if it is found
            $tmpl_pdf = find_custom_file("/reporting/forms/".$this->headerTmpl.".pdf");
            if ($tmpl_pdf) {
                $this->tmplSize = $this->setSourceFile($tmpl_pdf);


        if ($this->tmplSize) {
            $this->row = $this->pageHeight - $this->topMargin; // reset row
            $id = $this->importPage(min($this->pageNumber, $this->tmplSize));

        // include related php file if any
        $tmpl_php = find_custom_file("/reporting/forms/".$this->headerTmpl.".php");
        if ($tmpl_php) {

        if (method_exists($this, $this->headerTmpl))    // draw predefined page layout if any


(7 replies, posted in Reporting)

So, I just updated the reporting with latest version of FPDI and TCPDF version 6. I put the updated repo in: https://github.com/barbarian1803/FA_new_reporting

I haven't checked all functionality but it seems to work just fine. With latest TCPDF version implemented, maybe there are new features in TCPDF that can be implemented and certainly, we can use HTML for designing the report because TCPDF has supported HTML. Please try it if anyone interested and kindly comment/report any problem or bug. Thank you.


(7 replies, posted in Reporting)


Just wondering, when I am modifying report/creating new report, the current library is really uncomfortable to me. Is there any plan to update the library? Maybe using newer version of TCPDF and FPDI because it seems the current FA used is old version. Maybe also using DOMPDF to make report easier with HTML. I believe TCPDF also has capabilities to generate PDF from HTML though. Also for excel, PHPSpreadsheet is an awesome library instead of current Workbook.php used in FA. Any opinion? I am willing to help the development if needed. I have implemented my own reporting library using DOMPDF 5 years ago and it worked amazing.


(5 replies, posted in Setup)

rafat wrote:


You must be missing an index.php inside your module directory. Just a small file with same name with the following code might do it:

header("Location: ../index.php");

Isn't this script purpose to redirect to index.php in parent folder if we only access the folder without any page?


(5 replies, posted in Setup)

I have created another folder without index.php and it works normally. I have delete and recreate folder named modules and it give 403 error. It seems the problem is folder named modules is not accessible in that web server. Is it possible? I hosted previous FA with the same hosting and never face any problem like this.


(5 replies, posted in Setup)

I have setup a new frontaccounting website in free hosting. When I tried to access my custom module URL, I got 403 error. Other link are ok and there are not any problem at all. Only for content inside modules folder. I have checked the permission should be accessable (now 775 or 777). I also tried to create a dummy file xxx.php inside folder modules. This file also rais 403 error. It seems the problem is in modules directory.

What happened here? This is the first time I encounter this problem.

If you only upgrading database, upgrading directly from 2.3RC and above to 2.4.1 and above can be done.
1. Create main company
2. Create new company that match prefix table with the one you want to restore
3. login to the newly created company
4. do backup restore
5. after backup restore, you will not be able to do anything so logout and login to main company
6. in main company go to software upgrade and upgrade the company you just restored
7. now you can login to upgraded company with our old data account

bd wrote:

I am not actualy doing it, I am looking for someone to do it for me smile

Just want to update, it is actually possible to upgrade from 2.3 version directly to 2.4.6 if you have database backup.

is the default company flagged which one that has system setup priviledge?

As I remember, FA has upgrade functionality. I remember I used back then. It will automatically append some new database table/column. Because I only have the backup database, I wonder if I can do it without installing it to 2.3 first. I notice the announcement usually is about the source code and not database.

Oh, I see. Well, if I successfully migrated maybe I can do it for you. I had done it once in the past but it was still on 2.3.x version. So, I am now learning how to do it too smile

I am currently doing the exact same thing with you. smile

So, I just got a backup for a database with multiple companies data in it. The version is 2.3rc.
So, I need to select one of the company as parent company (that cando system setup, install module, etc). I know the table prefix. How to setup as parent company?

As for upgrading, is it possible to upgrade directly to 2.4.6 from 2.3rc?