So here's what I want to setup:

If a customer orders less than 20 items in a month, each item is $50

If they order 20 or more, then the price is $45 per item.

The problem I'm having is that I'm willing to allow 2 orders of 10 to meet this requirement. Any idea how to set this up? I was hoping to be able to adjust the price per item when I did an invoice against the sales delivery but it doesn't seem like that's an option.

Thanks for any assistance at all!

Ok so here was the process:

1) I created three delivery notes
2) I created a batch invoice for these three notes.

I realized that I made a mistake at this point and wanted to edit the text of the invoice so I went to "Customer Transactions" found the transaction and then hit the edit button. This was when I got the error. I feel like it has to do with the fact that the invoice covered multiple delivery notes, as I'm able to edit other invoices.

Thank you both for your assistance thus far!

Joe: Is there a way to reset a delivery note so that it doesn't look like it has been previously invoiced?

elax wrote:

I don't think you would have been happy either if all the delivery have been voided if your point was only to cancel the invoice and maybe batch it in a different way.

My point was indeed to cancel the invoice and batch them differently (i.e. I included 1 delivery in the original batch that I shouldn't). What I saw though was that I couldn't invoice against the other deliveries in the voided invoice since they were showing as having already been invoiced. Is there a way to "clear" this "invoiced flag"?

In this case it didn't. Maybe it was the fact that the invoice was a batched invoice? I ended up having to go in and manually void the delivery notes, and recreate all of them. Luckily it was only a few notes smile

So I voided an invoice due to an error on it. Now I'm seeing that the delivery note that was associated with that invoice is showing as already being invoiced and thus cannot be edited either. Do I need to void these as well and start over?

I'm receiving the following error when going to */sales/customer_invoice.php?ModifyInvoice=2

DATABASE ERROR : document version retreival
error code : 1064
error message : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 2
sql that failed was : SELECT trans_no, version FROM 0_debtor_trans WHERE type='13' AND ()

Seems like the error is in the () at the end, since that isn't good SQL but not sure how to go about fixing this.

My Setup:
FrontAccounting 2.3.18
MySQL  5.0.8
PHP 5.3.27
Apache 2.2.25