I managed to lock myself out of the previous installation of FA so I deleted the files on the webserver, dropped the database and then recreated it.  Having re-installed FA, I am now getting this error which didn't occur before.

The host is ubuntu 10.04
I have ensured read/write/execute permissions for the FA folder are correct for www-data

Any other suggestions?


(6 replies, posted in Installation)

I am trying to get the LDAP authentication to work with FA.  I have tried installing the module from with in the FA set up but I just get the normal login page.  I have also tried downloading the tar.gz file but get these errors:

include_once(./includes/db/sync_db.inc): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in file: /var/www/frontaccounting/includes/session.inc at line 185
include_once(): Failed opening './includes/db/sync_db.inc' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in file: /var/www/frontaccounting/includes/session.inc at line 185

This is running on a Ubuntu 10.04 apache2 server with the current stable version of Frontaccounting

Any suggestions?
