Please forgive if this is duplicate.  I just posted and I cant see my post?

I have the same prob here as I just installed and it keeps logging me out.

I am using php 5.3
FrontAccounting 2.3.18

I read the above steps to correct and I am very confused.  I don't see where I need to change my settings.
example.. /var/php_sessions/
Where is this file located.  I just don't know..

Most of the suggestions are for very older versions.

I am logging on to my godaddy hosting account with windows 8  I also tried logging on with windows 7 and have the same results of keep logging me out.


(2 replies, posted in Installation)

Can someone direct me to a install for dummies.  I have spent time looking and have not found.  Please consider I have read the install and have little knowledge but am willing to read and do. 

I thought this way might have worked but get stopped with a password / user name mismatch.
We had an extra hosting account at godaddy.  I thought it might work but it gets stopped.  I created the database as discussed.

I am really not sure what my next option here are.  I could make a dedicated computer here a server.  I am at a loss to really know how to do this.  Can someone point me in the easiest direction.  I find it hard accept there is not a installation guide for dummies?

I have some knowledge but here I am somewhat lost.