(3 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

apmuthu wrote:

Use straight Manufacturing and pay Company B manufacturing charges.

That crossed my mind, but if that was done as a separate invoice, the cost of manufacturing wouldn't be carried as part of Item 2's value for COGS/inventory valuation purposes. This is important for tax compliance, as we are taxed on inventory in my jurisdiction.

Have a bit of a complicated transaction that I'm not entirely sure how to enter into FA.

I have several hundred units of Item 1 that I have purchased from Company A. Now, I'm going to ship Item 1 to Company B, who are going to use it to manufacture Item 2 and ship it back to me. They will provide me with an invoice billing me for the finished product, which I will then sell.

What's the best way of entering this into FA? I could enter it as a straight manufacturing work order with the manufacturing cost of Item 2 as labor, but I think that means that I wouldn't be able to enter the invoice and track it through Accounts Payable. I could make an invoice "selling" Company B the appropriate amount of Item 1 at cost and then "buy" Item 2 from them at cost billed+cost of Item 1, but that seems like it could get complicated.

Is there a better way of doing this?

I downloaded the files to the modules folder and edited the installed_extensions.php files. This appears to have done absolutely nothing. Nothing new appears on the UI and it does not show as a new tab or anywhere in the reports screen. It's entirely possible that I put the wrong thing in the installed_extensions.php files, because I am just looking at the documentation making my best guess at what the correct values are supposed to be.

Let's back up—rather than doing an end-run around the installer and probably making a mess of things, can we figure out why the installer isn't working? The installer provided should theoretically work, so can we get to the bottom of why we can't use that?

Where should I get the module files from? The .pkg file I found appears to be incomplete. (There are no PHP files in them, for instance.)

In any case, if at all possible, I'd prefer to be able to fix FrontAccounting to install the extension the proper way rather than manually forcing it through—there's a lot of interesting-looking extensions listed, and installing them all manually sounds pretty tedious. If we can find out what's wrong, it may be useful to others with the same problem in the future.

All of the named folders appear to be configured correctly. However, in checking that, I did find the errors.log file, which contains this:

archive.inc:381: is_dir() expects parameter 1 to be a valid path, string given
archive.inc:382: mkdir() expects parameter 1 to be a valid path, string given
archive.inc:411: touch() expects parameter 1 to be a valid path, string given
archive.inc:395: fopen() expects parameter 1 to be a valid path, string given
packages.inc:165: gzopen(../modules/_cache/rep_check_print-2.3.0-1/_init/config): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
archive.inc:462: gzopen(../modules/_cache/rep_check_print-2.3.0-1/_data): failed to open stream: No such file or directory

It appears to be accessing these files and not being able to because they aren't there. Could there be something that is stopping Apache from downloading the files? (I'm running on LAMP, specifically Fedora 20). What URL does it pull the files from; maybe that's down?

I am attempting to install the check-writing module, and it displaying an error saying "Could not open". I have searched the forum for information, and checked all of the following: curl and xmlrpc are both installed and showing as active in phpinfo, and the modules and _cache directories are writeable.

I looked in the _cache directory, and it appears to be creating Charts.gz,  Extensions.gz, and Release.gz, and creating the rep_check_print-2.3.0-1 folder, but there is nothing in it.

This issue is occurring with every module I attempt to install.

Since there seemed to be a reasonable amount of support for this feature, I went ahead and added it to Mantis.

Hello devs,
As it currently stands, FrontAccounting has a pretty rudimentary system to select a customer on the "Add/Manage Customers" page. It works but it is not very powerful (can only search by name) or intuitive. If search is enabled, it is quite easy to miss the tooltip telling you to press space to display the search box, and without that tooltip, you will probably never guess to do that.

I've made a mockup of an easier-to-use customer lookup system. I've used something like this in conjunction with a database with hundreds of thousands of customer entries, and the UI design works quite well in that context, so I think it would be a very useful addition to FrontAccounting.

Initial display—all customer entries are shown by default (split across several pages as appropriate, of course). If you know this is a new customer you can go ahead and click "Add New". If you want to search for an existing customer, you can search by Name or other appropriate fields (perhaps an GSTNo. or some other kind of customer ID number?) or you can browse the entries manually (which might be faster for smaller companies). Clicking the 'Edit' icon brings up the familiar customer edit form currently in FrontAccounting.

After entering search—only customers that match the search query are displayed.

This customer lookup system would be useful not just for Add/Manage Customers, but in any case where customer records are being used, e.g. when creating an invoice.

Somewhat related: it would probably be useful to add a field to the customer table for an ID/account number. For example, I sell mostly on Amazon, so it would be useful to be able to associate a customer's Amazon account number with their record. Then I could look them up simply by keying in their account number.

This looks more like what I want to do, but the adjustment screen doesn't seem to allow you to select which account to put the write-off into for any individual adjustment. I suppose I could do a GL entry to move the expense to the proper account, but it might be worthwhile in a future version to add a way to select something other than the default adjustment account for that item as the account that the adjustment goes into.

Thanks for the help!

Would that not have the effect of still creating phantom income, though? I want these to show as a loss—if there is, say, $20 in income created by the invoice, the $20 expense will have a net effect of $0, so my expense is effectively not recorded. If I record it twice to force the overall effect to be –$20, then my expenses will show as $40, which paints an inaccurate picture of where my finances are and could cause problems when I look at the numbers for budgeting.

Perhaps FrontAccounting would benefit from a "Inventory Write-Off" feature that would simply post the value of whatever inventory items are selected to any given expense account. It seems like this is a fairly common inventory situation—there is always going to be inventory loss due to damage, theft, employee error, product expiration, etc. no matter what kind of inventory you carry, so having a simple workflow for accounting for such writeoffs would probably be useful for the majority of users who use FrontAccounting's inventory features.

I went ahead and tried this, but of course since there is no discount being applied now, there is phantom income being generated (in this case, it showed up in petty cash since I set it as a cash sale on a direct invoice). If I do apply a discount, won't that show up as an expense in "discounts given" (thus counting the usage under both "discounts given" and "QA")? How can I avoid this, or balance out the income, in a way that avoids the write-off being accounted for twice?

I'm sure I've overlooked some feature that would handle this, but I am not quite sure what it would be, or even really what to search for to find more information about it.

I have some items in inventory. I need to deduct units here and there for internal use (i.e. not sales), and have the expense added to the appropriate GL account. For example, I had an artist require that we send him one unit of product as part of the terms for the use of his artwork—I need to show inventory decreasing by 1 unit, with the expense being charged to my "artwork & design" expense account. Similarly, I need to send 2 units to a testing lab, which needs to be charged to a "QA" account.

What is the best way of handling this in FrontAccounting? I tried doing an invoice to a fictitious "Internal use" customer with a 100% discount charged to the appropriate account, but found this also increased my "sales" account, which I don't think is what I want to do.