Does anyone use this in a corporate setting? Is it up to the challenge?
2 08/16/2013 12:25:31 pm
Re: How do I print a check? (10 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)
Okay I see it now. The USA one does not auto assign a check number if not chosen? Also, the Canada allows you to give a check number, the usa does not? Also, is there any batch check printing?
3 08/16/2013 11:49:54 am
Re: How do I print a check? (10 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)
I did all that but I still dont see it? Where should I see it?
4 08/16/2013 08:09:03 am
Re: How do I print a check? (10 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)
I install the extension but I still dont see where you print checks in the system. Also, are extensions free?
5 08/15/2013 08:56:17 pm
Topic: Comission Module (1 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)
Comission Module There there a commission module? Where is it?
6 08/15/2013 08:55:09 pm
Topic: How do I print a check? (10 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)
How do I print a check? Does it print checks?
7 08/14/2013 10:40:31 pm
Re: Evaluating (3 replies, posted in Setup)
Yes. Thanks. I made another donation.
8 08/14/2013 01:34:02 pm
Topic: Evaluating (3 replies, posted in Setup)
I am evaluating this software. Can anyone assist with any of these questions?
1) Is the Software GAAP, IAS, and / or Sarbanes-Oxley Compliant?
2) How is support? Can you get support? Are there developers who have used this that offer support? Does the company support?
3) Does it work on all browsers?
4) Does anyone have any idea on how many install or people use this? How large is the group?
5) How often do you come out with updates? How do updates effect customs?
6) How does this compare with
7) Any issues reselling?
8) Is full source available?