(2 replies, posted in Setup)

hi ,
i have 2 questions:
1- can i do something to my costumer be able to login to FA and see their invoices and balance? or put a new order for themselves ?
2- i try to create a user acc for each customer and limit the account access to sales part. but how i can limit each costumer to access only own reports or invoices?


(4 replies, posted in Installation)

tnx dude. i install gd extention with this code:

#apt-get install php5-gd
after installing finished restart the web server :
#services apache2 restart


(4 replies, posted in Installation)

hi everybody. i instal dynamic theme from FA repository . but after activating it, drop down menu works great but main page of each application did not load correctly. i mean that graphics and tables and charts on main pages didn't shoe up. see links below for screenshots :
you see that i have same problem in the dashbord theme . there is no chart or table in gadgets ...
please help me

thanks man. it solved.
something else . i use arabic language in FA. when i try to print a report in PDF format (as usual) i get this error :
TCPDF error: Could not include font definition file: ae_tholoth.php
i dont know that i have a font missing in my server or in FA?!?!?!
tell me what to do please. thanks big_smile

php : 5.1.6
my sql : 5.0.96
apache 2.2.3 on CentOS
FA version : 2.3.16

hi everybody.
i install FA on a cent os 5.8 VPS that i manually config the LAMP on it.
but when i login to FA there is red warning bar on top of the all pages that says: Wrong parameter count for session_set_cookie_params() in file: /var/www/html/includes/session.inc at line 25.
see the screen shot below :
i really don't know is there any problem in php settings or php modules ?
please help me.


(2 replies, posted in Setup)

no answer? nobody want help me???


(2 replies, posted in Setup)

hi everybody. i've installed two languages (arabic and default embedded english). and when i use the english lang. sometimes meet this problem, please look at screenshot i attach
<a href="http://next-group.org/images/screen.jpg">screen</a>
and also i installed two COA  ,an arabic one and an english one . when i use the arabic every thing is ok but in english the account selecting drop down menus is unreadable like this :
<a href="http://next-group.org/images/screen2.jpg">screen2</a>
please help me. thanks...


(5 replies, posted in Setup)

you know arabic standard time don't have any summer time (daylight saving) . it means that the arabic time don't change through the year...


(5 replies, posted in Setup)

my server is in united kingdom UK. and my server's time zone and time setting is ok... my clients is in iraq. when we login to the program the time showed in bottom bar is incorrect( it is 1 hour less than local time) . what is the problem???


(2 replies, posted in Installation)

thank you. i remove that line (line 59 and 60) in session.inc and it solved


(2 replies, posted in Installation)

hi every body .
i use this system in iraq. and i use a 3g network operator for connecting to internet. but the operator (Newroz telecom) changes my ip address every 15 second so my login session rapidly expires. and for each click i should login again... so i can't use this program. and also i cant change my network operator...
now does anybody know how can i disable this type of session checker (client IP address). or maybe another solution exists that i don't know....   