Thanks for the explanation. It's been a while now since I posted this. Is there any new development, custom fields perhaps?


KA Ahmad

Hello there, firstly, I am not a programmer and I don't understand PHP that well and am hoping that someone out there will be willing to help. I have a feeling that this could be peanuts to most of you PHP gurus.

In /customer_delivery.php, there is already a field for "quantity" which is used to record the current delivery quantity. Now I need to add a new field called "quantity2" so that I can calculate the difference between "quantity" and "quantity2". In real life, this is to compare the weight shortages between two different weighbridge stations.

I know how to create a new column using phpmyadmin in debtor_trans_details but I am lost on how to display the newly created column in the form, as well as the coding required to accept the form value and update it into mysql.

Thank you very much.